Pathetic High School RETALIATES After LOSING in Supreme Court?

    Pathetic High School RETALIATES After LOSING in Supreme Court?


    In a shocking turn of events, former Bremerton High School Assistant Football Coach, Joe Kennedy, recently won a Supreme Court case against the school. However, instead of embracing the ruling, the school seems to be retaliating against Coach Kennedy. This article will delve into the details surrounding the case and shed light on the actions taken by the school, which some may consider pathetic.

    The Supreme Court Victory:

    Coach Joe Kennedy’s Supreme Court victory marked a significant moment for him and religious rights advocates. The court ruled that the school violated Coach Kennedy’s First Amendment rights by preventing him from praying on the field after games. However, rather than accepting the decision, it appears that Bremerton High School harbors resentment.

    Retaliation in Disguise:

    Coach Kennedy alleges that the school has retaliated against him since his victorious return. Despite rehiring him, they have withheld standard coaching gear and even omitted his name from the school’s website. These actions raise concerns about the school’s disregard for the court’s ruling and their treatment of a devoted coach.

    The Decision to Retire:

    Faced with such hostility, Coach Kennedy made the difficult decision to retire instead of waiting to be fired. This choice highlights the toxic work environment he encountered upon his return. It is disheartening that a coach who fought passionately for his rights had to bow out due to the school’s unwillingness to comply with the Supreme Court ruling.

    First Liberty Institute’s Support:

    Attorney Michael Berry from the First Liberty Institute has been closely involved in Coach Kennedy’s case. The organization is supporting Coach Kennedy’s fight against the school’s alleged retaliation and is committed to upholding religious freedom. Their involvement adds weight to the serious nature of the situation and the potential legal implications.

    Possible Retaliation:

    It is reasonable to believe that the school’s actions may constitute retaliation. By denying Coach Kennedy his standard coaching gear and purposely excluding him from the school’s website, they seem to be expressing their discontent with the Supreme Court ruling. Such retaliation is not only unprofessional but also potentially illegal.

    Investigating the Matter:

    First Liberty Institute is delving deeper into the matter, investigating the extent of the school’s actions and evaluating potential legal recourse. Their diligent efforts demonstrate a commitment to justice and accountability. It is essential to shed light on the school’s behavior and ensure that those responsible are held accountable for their actions.

    The Expected Hostile Work Environment:

    Coach Kennedy anticipated a hostile work environment upon his return to Bremerton High School. Despite this, he bravely fought for his rights and, ultimately, for the rights of others. Unfortunately, the school’s behavior only confirmed his concerns and highlighted the need for further legal action.

    Possible Violation of the Law:

    The Bremerton School District’s actions may be in violation of the law. The Supreme Court ruling clearly defined Coach Kennedy’s right to pray on the field, and the school’s failure to comply with this ruling raises serious questions about their commitment to upholding constitutional rights. Holding the school accountable is crucial in ensuring that future instances of retaliation are prevented.

    Holding the School Accountable:

    Money may play a significant role in holding the school accountable for their actions. Legal battles can be expensive, and financial consequences could serve as a powerful motivator for the school to reassess their behavior. By pursuing legal action, Coach Kennedy and the First Liberty Institute aim to send a strong message that retaliation will not be tolerated, regardless of the circumstances.

    In conclusion, the pathetic retaliation by Bremerton High School, following Coach Joe Kennedy’s Supreme Court victory, showcases a disturbing lack of respect for the legal system and individual rights. By withholding standard coaching gear and attempting to erase his presence from the school’s website, they are exemplifying a toxic work culture. It is heartening to see the support Coach Kennedy has received from the First Liberty Institute, as they investigate the matter further and fight for justice. This case serves as a reminder that upholding constitutional rights is paramount, and that retaliation should not go unchecked in any work environment.