Air Conditioning Hot Take

    Air Conditioning Hot Take


    Welcome to our hot take on air conditioning! We’d like to take a moment to delve into the fascinating topic of air conditioning and share our thoughts on why it has become such a vital part of modern life. So buckle up and get ready to explore this subject from a unique perspective.

    Americans are addicted to air conditioning

    When it comes to air conditioning, it’s hard to deny that Americans have a special relationship with it. It has become so ingrained in American culture that one could argue it’s an addiction. From homes to offices, shopping malls to cars, air conditioning seems to be everywhere in the United States.

    But have you ever stopped to think about why this is the case? Well, let’s dig a little deeper.

    Europeans colonized America and murdered indigenous people

    To fully understand the American obsession with air conditioning, we need to go back in time. We all know that European colonizers arrived in America centuries ago, and unfortunately, their presence was marked by the tragic murder and displacement of indigenous people.

    This dark chapter in history created a divide between Europeans and Native Americans, but it also laid the foundation for what would eventually become the United States we know today.

    Air conditioning was not invented when America was colonized

    Even though Europeans managed to survive in America without the luxury of air conditioning, it’s important to note that this technology wasn’t even invented during the colonization period. So how did they manage to endure the sweltering heat? Let’s find out.

    Europeans were able to survive in America without air conditioning

    Despite the lack of air conditioning, European colonizers found ways to adapt to the challenging climate of America. They constructed their homes in strategic locations, capitalizing on natural shading and cross-ventilation techniques. Additionally, they utilized materials such as mud, straw, and thick walls, which helped to insulate buildings from extreme temperatures.

    Furthermore, Europeans integrated the wisdom and knowledge of indigenous people, who had already mastered the art of living in harmony with the environment. This fusion of cultures and shared practices undoubtedly played a significant role in helping them cope with the heat.

    Indigenous people still like air conditioning for comfort

    Even though indigenous people managed to thrive without air conditioning, that doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate its comfort. Just like anyone else, they have come to embrace the convenience and relief that air conditioning provides, particularly in modern times. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a cool refuge on a scorching summer day?

    Asian people also love air conditioning

    While it’s true that air conditioning has become an integral part of American culture, it’s not exclusive to the United States. In fact, Asian countries have also embraced this technology with open arms. From bustling cities like Tokyo to vibrant metropolises like Singapore, air conditioning is everywhere.

    This issue should not be made racial

    It’s essential to approach the topic of air conditioning with sensitivity and avoid making it a racial issue. The preferences and usage patterns of air conditioning are influenced by a myriad of factors such as climate, culture, and technological advancements. It’s more about human comfort than any particular race or ethnicity.


    In conclusion, air conditioning is undeniably a hot topic. Americans may have developed a deep affinity for it, but it’s a phenomenon that extends well beyond the borders of the United States. The story of air conditioning is embedded in the history of colonization, adaptation, and a desire for comfort. So the next time you cool off in an air-conditioned room, take a moment to appreciate the evolution that has led to this modern-day luxury.

    That’s all from us in this hot take on air conditioning. Stay cool and enjoy the benefits of this remarkable invention!