He Has ZERO Grasp on Reality

    He Has ZERO Grasp on Reality


    As a Democratic mayor, I can confidently say that America is not in decline. Despite the divisive rhetoric and misinformation propagated by certain individuals, Democratic mayors across the country are working hard to create thriving cities where people want to be and where economic growth is flourishing. It is time to take a look at cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Detroit to see the truth about the progress being made under Democratic leadership.

    Creating Thriving Cities

    Democratic mayors are at the forefront of creating cities that are vibrant, prosperous, and attractive to residents, businesses, and visitors alike. Through innovative initiatives and policies, these leaders are revitalizing communities, improving infrastructure, and investing in education and healthcare. The result is an environment that fosters economic growth and provides opportunities for all.

    Let’s examine some examples of how Democratic mayors are transforming their cities:

    1. New York: under the leadership of Mayor Bill de Blasio, New York City has experienced significant improvements in areas such as education, affordable housing, and public safety. Initiatives like universal pre-K and increased funding for public schools have enhanced educational opportunities for children from all backgrounds.

    2. Los Angeles: Mayor Eric Garcetti has prioritized infrastructure development, addressing the city’s transportation challenges and investing in sustainable solutions. The “Green New Deal” initiative aims to create jobs while tackling climate change, making Los Angeles a leader in environmental sustainability.

    3. Chicago: Mayor Lori Lightfoot is focused on reducing crime and enhancing community engagement. She has implemented programs to address violence and improve police-community relations, while also investing in economic development and job creation.

    4. Detroit: Mayor Mike Duggan has played a crucial role in the city’s revitalization efforts. Through initiatives like “Detroit at Work,” he has connected residents with employment opportunities and facilitated the growth of small businesses, leading to a rejuvenation of the city’s economy.

    Breaking Free from Propaganda

    When the government stops telling the truth, it becomes propaganda. Unfortunately, when propaganda is accepted, it becomes the truth for many. This dangerous cycle hinders progress and prevents us from understanding the real state of our country.

    It is important to challenge misinformation and critically evaluate the narratives put forward by those who seek to undermine the achievements of Democratic mayors. By looking beyond the sensationalized headlines and engaging in thoughtful analysis, we can uncover the truth and recognize the positive impact these leaders have had on our cities.


    Despite claims made by certain individuals, Democratic mayors are successfully driving economic growth, improving infrastructure, and addressing social issues in cities across America. The examples of New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Detroit demonstrate the positive impact of Democratic leadership.

    To truly understand the state of our country, we must break free from the cycle of propaganda and critically analyze the policies and achievements of Democratic mayors. By doing so, we can see that America is not in decline, but rather progressing towards a brighter future under the leadership of those who prioritize the well-being of their cities and their residents.