Living Objectively – Integrating Objectivity Into Your Every Day by Tara Smith

Living Objectively – Integrating Objectivity Into Your Every Day by Tara Smith

Living Objectively – Integrating Objectivity Into Your Everyday by Tara Smith


In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to maintain objectivity. With the constant bombardment of information and the influence of our emotions, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters. However, being objective is vital for fully flourishing as individuals and as a society. In this article, we will delve into the importance of objectivity and how we can integrate it into our everyday lives.

Objectivity affects how we treat our friends, how we do our work, and how we set our goals. It allows us to make rational decisions based on facts rather than emotions or bias. Objectivity allows us to see the world as it truly is, without distortion. It enables us to form accurate judgments and make sound choices that align with our values and objectives.

Being objective doesn’t mean we have to be detached or apathetic. On the contrary, objectivity allows us to engage fully with the world and make informed decisions. It is about embracing reality and seeking the truth, even if it challenges our preconceived notions or desires.

The Role of Objectivity in Everyday Living

In a thought-provoking talk by Tara Smith, she explores the role of objectivity in everyday living. She discusses how objectivity manifests itself in various domains, such as personal relationships, work, and goal setting.

  1. Objectivity in Personal Relationships

Maintaining objectivity in our interactions with others is crucial for healthy and meaningful relationships. It allows us to see people for who they truly are, without projecting our own biases or expectations onto them. By being objective, we can better understand others, empathize with their perspectives, and resolve conflicts in a fair and rational manner.

  1. Objectivity in Work

Objectivity is essential in the workplace as well. It enables us to approach our tasks and responsibilities with clarity and focus. By setting aside personal biases and emotions, we can make objective assessments, solve problems effectively, and work collaboratively with our colleagues. Objectivity also promotes fairness in decision-making processes, ensuring that everyone’s contributions and ideas are valued.

  1. Objectivity in Goal Setting

Setting goals is an integral part of personal growth and development. However, well-intended people can easily fall into non-objective practices when it comes to goal setting. Objectivity allows us to set realistic and attainable goals based on rational evaluation and analysis of our capabilities and desires. It helps us prioritize our objectives and stay on track, avoiding distractions or chasing unrealistic dreams.

Key Takeaways from Tara Smith’s Talk

In her engaging lecture, Tara Smith sheds light on the importance of objectivity and its practical applications. Here are some key takeaways from her talk:

  1. Objectivity is not about being detached; it is about being engaged with reality.

  2. Objectivity allows us to make rational decisions based on facts and evidence.

  3. Objectivity in personal relationships leads to deeper understanding and meaningful connections.

  4. Objectivity in work promotes collaboration, fairness, and effective problem-solving.

  5. Objectivity in goal setting helps us set realistic and attainable objectives.


Integrating objectivity into our everyday lives is crucial for personal growth and the betterment of society. By being objective, we can navigate the complexities of life, make informed decisions, and foster harmonious relationships. Tara Smith’s talk at OCON 2023 in Miami, Florida, provides valuable insights into the role of objectivity in various domains. To further explore these ideas, consider subscribing to ARI’s YouTube channel to never miss a video or downloading the Ayn Rand University app for free access to courses on Ayn Rand’s works and ideas. Support ARI’s work by becoming a member or making a one-time contribution, and indulge in thought-provoking content with ARI’s online publication, New Ideal. Remember, living objectively is a journey worth embarking on – one that allows us to unlock our full potential and lead a fulfilling life.