Marine Exposes Who Joe Biden REALLY Is | Your Blood Will Boil

Marine Exposes Who Joe Biden REALLY Is | Your Blood Will Boil


In this article, we are going to discuss a video that has gained significant attention, where a veteran recounts his encounter with Joe Biden. This video sheds light on an interaction that left many viewers outraged and questioning Biden’s character and empathy. We will delve into the details of the conversation, the veteran’s feelings, and the subsequent consequences. Let’s dive into this eye-opening account that might just make your blood boil.

We Watched a Video Where a Veteran Describes Meeting Joe Biden

Recently, we came across a video that captured a veteran’s firsthand experience with Joe Biden. As we delved into the video, we were taken aback by the veteran’s description of the encounter. It was a powerful and emotional account that highlighted Biden’s lack of empathy and understanding.

The Veteran Had a Conversation with Biden, Who Ignored His Missing Arm

During their conversation, the veteran, who had lost an arm in service, shared that Biden completely ignored his disability. It was disheartening to see how the veteran’s sacrifice and courage were disregarded by someone in a position of power, someone who should acknowledge and respect the sacrifices made by our military members.

Biden Talked About His Son’s Military Service Without Addressing the Veteran’s Experience

Instead of empathizing with the veteran, Biden redirected the conversation towards his son’s military service. It was as if the veteran’s struggle and experiences were insignificant compared to Biden’s personal connection. This lack of acknowledgement only served to deepen the veteran’s frustration and disappointment.

The Veteran’s Mother Expressed Anger and Demanded That Biden Take Care of Her Son

The veteran’s mother, who was present during the encounter, couldn’t hold back her anger. She voiced her disappointment and demanded that Biden take responsibility for ensuring her son’s well-being. It was heart-wrenching to witness a mother’s despair and her plea for assistance from someone she believed could make a difference.

Biden Leaned Over the Veteran and Asked What He Wanted, Showing a Lack of Understanding

In a shocking display of insensitivity, Biden leaned over the veteran and asked what he wanted. This gesture demonstrated a complete lack of understanding and disregard for the veteran’s emotional state. It was clear that Biden failed to grasp the gravity of the moment and lacked the ability to empathize with the veteran’s struggles.

The Veteran’s Mother Sought Help from the First Lady for Caretakers Like Herself but Received No Support

Realizing that Biden was not offering the help they desperately needed, the veteran’s mother decided to seek assistance from the first lady. She believed that the first lady, with her focus on military families, would understand their situation and extend support. Unfortunately, her efforts were in vain as she received no assistance from the first lady.

The Veteran’s Mother Intends to Pursue Help from Other Sources

Frustrated with the lack of support from the President and the first lady, the veteran’s mother is determined to explore alternative avenues to seek assistance. She recognizes the importance of finding the care her son needs and intends to pursue other sources that can provide the necessary support.

The Video Also Discusses the Consequences of the U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan

Apart from the interaction with Joe Biden, the video also delves into the consequences of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. The cost of the withdrawal runs in trillions of dollars, and unfortunately, it resulted in the Taliban regaining control. These outcomes have had a profound impact on veterans and their families, exacerbating their struggles and raising concerns about the leadership responsible for the withdrawal.

The Veteran Blames Biden’s Incompetent Leadership for the Disastrous Withdrawal

The veteran, like many others, holds Biden accountable for the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. He attributes the chaos and loss to Biden’s incompetent leadership. This revelation raises important questions about the decision-making process and the impact of such choices on those who put their lives on the line for their country.

In conclusion, the video we watched where a veteran exposes his encounter with Joe Biden has shed light on the President’s lack of empathy and understanding. It highlighted Biden’s failure to acknowledge the sacrifices of our military members and the consequences of his decisions. This account serves as a reminder to hold our leaders accountable and advocate for the support that our veterans and their families deserve.