TENSE EXCHANGE: Why is the Air Force Teaching CRT to Cadets?

    TENSE EXCHANGE: Why is the Air Force Teaching CRT to Cadets?

    TENSE EXCHANGE: Why is the Air Force Teaching CRT to Cadets?


    In a recent video created by BlazeTV, retired Brigadier General Don Clark proudly teaches critical race theory (CRT) at the Air Force Academy. This has sparked a heated debate about the appropriateness of teaching such a divisive and destructive ideology to future military members.

    General Clark’s endorsement of CRT raises important questions about its fundamental principles and the potential impact on the military institution. This article will explore the key points raised in the video, highlighting the concerns and discussing the implications of teaching CRT to cadets.

    1. The Divisive and Destructive Nature of Critical Race Theory

    Critical race theory is a controversial ideology that seeks to analyze and challenge the role of race in society. Proponents of CRT argue that white identity is inherently racist and that white people cannot exist outside the system of white supremacy. This divisive view undermines the notion of individuality and fosters a sense of collective guilt among white individuals.

    1. Denial of Racism as Colorblind Racism

    CRT proponents view denying racism in the present as a form of colorblind racism. According to this perspective, acknowledging the existence of racism and working to dismantle it requires a conscious effort to challenge one’s own biases and privileges. This ideology places a heavy emphasis on recognizing and analyzing systemic racism in various domains.

    1. The Quest for Less Racial Oppression

    The author of “White Fragility,” a highly influential book on racism, suggests that white individuals should strive to be less racially oppressive by being less white. This means acknowledging and actively challenging the privileges associated with whiteness. The goal is to create a more equitable society by promoting understanding and dismantling oppressive structures.

    1. General Clark’s Response to the Ideology

    During the interview, the interviewer questions whether General Clark agrees with the sentiments expressed by proponents of CRT. General Clark clarifies that while the instructor encourages discourse on the topic, it does not necessarily equate to agreement with the sentiment. Teaching critical thinking is emphasized at the Air Force Academy.

    1. Concerns Over Teaching Potentially Divisive Material

    The interviewer expresses concern about teaching future military members to defend institutions described as inherently racist. The military is expected to uphold values of unity, loyalty, and equality for all without discriminating based on race or ethnicity. Introducing CRT to cadets could potentially undermine these values and create divisions within the ranks.

    1. Empirical Evidence of Diversity Effectiveness

    The interviewer questions whether there is empirical evidence to support the effectiveness of diversity in a submarine crew, specifically. General Clark agrees that other forms of diversity, such as religious diversity, are not solely focused on. However, he emphasizes the importance of having a respectful environment where diverse perspectives are appreciated and valued.


    The video featuring General Clark’s endorsement of critical race theory has sparked a tense exchange about the appropriateness of teaching CRT to cadets at the Air Force Academy. While the instructor encourages critical thinking and discourse on the topic, concerns about the potential divisiveness and impact on military values are valid.

    It is crucial to foster an environment where respectful discussions and open questions can take place, allowing cadets to explore different perspectives without compromising the unity and principles that form the basis of the military institution. Teaching future military members to navigate complex issues requires a delicate balance between promoting understanding and maintaining the values that enable effective teamwork and leadership.

    In light of the ongoing debate surrounding critical race theory, it is imperative for the Air Force and other military institutions to carefully evaluate the implications of introducing such ideologies in their training programs, ensuring that they align with the values and objectives of these organizations.

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