Madness On ‘The View’ – Hosts Laugh After Joy Behar Has ‘Accident’ on Live Show

Madness On 'The View' - Hosts Laugh After Joy Behar Has 'Accident' on Live Show


In today’s article, we delve into the chaos that unfolded on the set of ‘The View’ as Joy Behar and her co-hosts engaged in a heated argument. As viewers, we were witnesses to a memorable incident that left us questioning the dynamics among the show’s hosts and the nature of their on-air interactions. Let’s explore what happened and why it sparked such controversy.

Heading 1: The Incident and Mitch McConnell’s Freeze

Sub-heading: Behar’s Memory of Falling Off Her Chair

In the midst of a discussion about Mitch McConnell’s recent incident of freezing mid-speech and requiring assistance from fellow senators, Joy Behar brought up a personal experience on ‘The View.’ She recalled a time when she fell off her chair on the show, expecting empathy and understanding from her co-hosts. However, things did not go as she had anticipated.

Heading 2: A Chaotic Argument Unfolds

Sub-heading: Laughter Turns to Anger

As Joy Behar recounted her embarrassing yet humorous moment, her co-hosts’ initial reaction was laughter. This laughter did not sit well with Behar, who expected sympathy rather than amusement. The atmosphere quickly turned tense as she lashed out at her colleagues, sparking a heated argument on live television.

Sub-heading: Loud and Contentious

The argument that unfolded on ‘The View’ was loud and contentious, with each host defending their position and emotions running high. It was clear that tensions had escalated, and the once harmonious environment of the show had given way to an intense confrontation.

Heading 3: Unhappiness Among the Hosts

Sub-heading: Whoopi Goldberg and Sarah Haynes

One aspect that cannot be ignored when analyzing ‘The View’ is the recurring theme of unhappiness among the hosts. Whoopi Goldberg and Sarah Haynes, among others, often display a sense of misery and dissatisfaction on the show. This underlying discontent may contribute to the frequent arguments that arise during discussions.

Sub-heading: Arguments Galore

‘The View’ has become renowned for the frequent arguments that occur among the hosts. Disagreements erupt over various topics ranging from politics to personal opinions, often escalating into heated exchanges. It seems that controversy and confrontation have become the norm rather than the exception on this daytime talk show.

Heading 4: Proprietary Nature of ‘The View’

Sub-heading: Protective of Their Content

‘The View’ is known for being exceedingly proprietary about their clips and segments. They maintain tight control over their intellectual property and protect it fiercely. Any infringement, even the use of a few seconds of their content, can result in a takedown notice. This strict control over their intellectual property adds another layer of complexity to the discussion surrounding the show.

Heading 5: The Video of the Argument

Sub-heading: Video Included in the Description

For those interested in the drama that unfolded on ‘The View,’ a link to a story featuring the actual video of the argument has been provided in the YouTube description. This video captures the intensity of the argument, showcasing the clash of personalities and the emotional rollercoaster that unfolded on live television.

Sub-heading: Worth Watching

The video provides an opportunity for viewers to form their own opinions about the incident that took place on ‘The View.’ It allows individuals to witness firsthand the dynamics among the hosts and the extent to which the argument escalated. For those intrigued by the inner workings of daytime talk shows, this video is undoubtedly worth watching.

Heading 6: The Fate of ‘The View’

Sub-heading: Should it Still Be On the Air?

Considering the frequent arguments, tense atmosphere, and underlying unhappiness among the hosts, a question inevitably arises: should ‘The View’ still be on the air? Some argue that the show’s controversial nature and engaging discussions make it a valuable addition to daytime television. Others believe it should have been canceled a decade ago. The fate of ‘The View’ remains a topic of debate among viewers and critics alike.


The madness that occurred on ‘The View’ during the argument following Joy Behar’s embarrassing moment showcased the volatile nature of the show and the strained relationships among the hosts. With tension, arguments, and unhappiness becoming commonplace, many wonder if the show’s continued existence is warranted. Regardless of one’s opinion, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the drama that can unfold on live television and the power it holds to captivate audiences.