Kissinger Duped in Prank Call

    Kissinger Duped in Prank Call


    In a surprising turn of events, it has been revealed that former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger fell victim to a clever prank call by the infamous Russian duo, Vovan and Lexus. During the call, the duo impersonated Ukrainian President Zelensky, leading to an intriguing conversation. This incident has sparked widespread discussion due to Kissinger’s suggestion that Ukraine might be behind the recent Nord Stream pipeline sabotage. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of the prank call and its implications on the ongoing investigation.

    The Prank Call

    Henry Kissinger, a prominent figure in American politics, received an unexpected call from what he believed to be Ukrainian President Zelensky. Little did he know that he was actually speaking with Vovan and Lexus, notorious for their elaborate pranks on influential figures. The conversation that followed has since become the subject of much interest and speculation.

    Kissinger’s Suspicion

    During the prank call, Kissinger expressed his suspicion that Ukraine might be involved in the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage. This comment has triggered significant debate, given the already tense relations between the United States and Ukraine. The Nord Stream pipeline, an essential energy link between Russia and Europe, has been the center of attention in recent geopolitical discussions. Kissinger’s suggestion has fueled further speculation about the motives behind the alleged sabotage.

    Alternative Perspectives

    While Kissinger’s suspicion implicates Ukraine, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has a different theory. Hersh believes that the United States and Norway played a role in the Nord Stream sabotage. However, both nations have categorically denied his assertion. Hersh’s alternative perspective has added an unexpected twist to the ongoing investigation, leaving experts and the public questioning the true culprits behind the sabotage.

    Diplomatic Impact

    The prank call and Kissinger’s comments about Ukraine’s potential involvement have raised concerns about the diplomatic fallout between the United States and Ukraine. Given the delicate relationship between the two countries, such accusations can strain already tenuous ties. It remains to be seen how this incident will impact diplomatic discussions and future collaborations between the nations involved.

    Vovan and Lexus: Notorious Pranksters

    The recent incident involving Henry Kissinger is not the first time Vovan and Lexus have successfully pulled off an elaborate prank on influential figures. These Russian pranksters have a history of duping politicians, celebrities, and other notable personalities. Their ability to deceive high-profile individuals with their convincing impersonations has made them infamous in the world of prank calls.


    The unexpected prank call involving Henry Kissinger and the pranksters Vovan and Lexus has added an intriguing dimension to the ongoing Nord Stream pipeline sabotage investigation. Kissinger’s suggestion about Ukraine’s potential involvement has sparked intense debate, while alternative theories proposed by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh have further muddled the waters. This incident serves as a reminder that even the most eminent figures can be deceived by clever pranksters. As the investigation continues, it remains to be seen how this prank call will impact diplomatic relations and the overall discourse surrounding the Nord Stream pipeline. To find the full story and gain more insight into this captivating episode, be sure to follow the link provided in the article’s bio.