BOOM: Rep. Mike Johnson EXPOSES Democrats

    BOOM: Rep. Mike Johnson EXPOSES Democrats

    BOOM: Rep. Mike Johnson EXPOSES Democrats


    As a witness to the political landscape, I feel compelled to voice my opinions and shed light on the truth. However, it’s essential to note that as a journalist, my words should not serve as actual evidence. It is crucial to base our arguments on hard evidence and reliable sources. In this article, I aim to reveal some shocking revelations about the corruption within the Biden family and the involvement of executive branch agencies. Additionally, I will discuss the coercion of social media platforms by federal agencies, leading to the censorship of conservative viewpoints.

    1. The Corruption of the Biden Family:

      • I point out the existence of hard evidence that showcases the corruption within the Biden family. These allegations have been supported by credible sources and should not be disregarded.
      • It is crucial to delve deeper into these allegations and question the integrity of those involved. The American people deserve to know the truth, especially when it involves high-ranking government officials.
    2. Involvement of Executive Branch Agencies:

      • I highlight that the corruption within the Biden family goes beyond personal affairs. There is evidence suggesting the involvement of executive branch agencies in covering up these indiscretions.
      • It is alarming to consider the implications of such involvement. The very agencies that are meant to uphold the law and serve the American people might be complicit in shielding the wrongdoings of influential individuals.
    3. Coercion of Social Media Platforms:

      • Federal agencies have taken it upon themselves to coerce social media platforms into censoring conservative viewpoints. This concerted effort stifles free speech and hampers the democratic exchange of ideas.
      • It is important to acknowledge the impact of this censorship on individuals like Mr. Kennedy and Miss Harris, who have faced unjust suppression of their voices due to their conservative beliefs.
    4. The Court Opinion on Censorship:

      • I emphasize the significance of a court opinion, spanning 155 pages, which grants preliminary injunction against censorship. This opinion recognizes the attack on free speech as the most massive in US history.
      • The court’s ruling sheds light on the extensive evidence of government censorship practices and the alarming scope of their actions. It is a clear indication that our society is facing a severe threat to our fundamental rights.
    5. Suppression of Speech Categories:

      • The court opinion highlights the suppression of various speech categories, including opposition to Covid-19 measures and government policies. This targeted censorship undermines public awareness and stifles critical analysis of important issues.
      • It is crucial to express concern about the profound impacts of such censorship on the outcome of elections and the overall knowledge base of the public.

    In conclusion, the exposure brought forth by Rep. Mike Johnson serves as a wake-up call for all Americans. The corruption within the Biden family and the involvement of executive branch agencies demand thorough investigation and accountability. Moreover, the coercion of social media platforms to censor conservative viewpoints raises serious concerns about the future of free speech in our nation. We must remain vigilant in our pursuit of truth and ensure that our democratic values are upheld.