It’s Official, They’re Coming for YOUR Guns

    It’s Official, They’re Coming for YOUR Guns

    It’s Official, They’re Coming for YOUR Guns


    Are you a proud gun owner who cherishes your Second Amendment rights? Well, it’s time to be concerned because recent events indicate that the government might be encroaching on those rights. In this article, we will explore the dangerous implications of a potential gun registry, the controversy surrounding pistol braces and disabilities, and the misleading claims made by the Biden Administration.

    I. The Dangers of a Gun Registry

    A gun registry is considered dangerous for several reasons. First and foremost, it infringes on the privacy of law-abiding citizens. The idea of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) attempting to access purchase records for guns raises serious concerns about the government overstepping its boundaries.

    1. The Government vs. Federal Law

    The Biden Administration’s attempt to create a national gun registry contradicts federal law. The government’s push to gather information on recent gun purchases, particularly when licensed dealers go out of business, feels like an invasion of privacy and a violation of the Second Amendment.

    II. Pistol Braces and Disabilities

    Disabilities can prevent some individuals from using a gun defensively. The illegality of pistol braces, which provide stability and support to individuals with physical limitations, further limits their ability to protect themselves.

    1. Unconstitutional Demands

    The IRS’s demand for purchase records from a gun store in Montana raises questions about the constitutionality of such requests. It appears to violate the rights of both the gun store and the individuals who purchased firearms legally.

    III. The Myth of Crime Solving with a Gun Registry

    Proponents of a gun registry argue that it helps solve crimes. However, this claim is false. Crime guns are rarely left at the scene and are often not even registered to the criminals.

    1. Hawaii’s Failed Experiment

    Gun registration in Hawaii has not resulted in any solved crimes, but it has wasted valuable police time. This serves as evidence that a gun registry is ineffective in preventing and solving crimes.

    IV. Lies from the Biden Administration

    The Biden Administration has been spreading misinformation about gun ownership and the Second Amendment. One such lie includes the claim that American colonists could not own cannons. This historical inaccuracy is used to support the argument for stricter gun control measures.

    V. Universal Background Checks and Private Transfers

    Universal background checks for gun purchases are often touted as a solution to gun violence. However, it’s important to note that private transfers in some states are exempt from these checks.

    1. Ineffectiveness of Background Checks

    Contrary to popular belief, no mass public shootings in this century would have been prevented by background check laws on private transfers. This undercuts the argument for stricter regulations.


    As a gun owner, it’s crucial to stay informed and vigilant about any potential threats to your Second Amendment rights. The idea of a gun registry, the controversy surrounding pistol braces, and the misinformation spread by the Biden Administration serve as warning signs that our rights may be under attack. Let’s stay united, informed, and proactive in defending our rights to bear arms.

    Remember, owning a gun is a responsibility that comes with a commitment to safety, education, and adherence to the law. Stay informed and exercise your rights responsibly.

    Note: This article contains opinions and information based on current events. The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the official stance of any organization or institution.