The Rocky Steps Have Been DESTROYED | Look What They Did…

The Rocky Steps Have Been DESTROYED | Look What They Did…

The Rocky Steps Have Been DESTROYED | Look What They Did…


Hey there! Have you ever seen the iconic Rocky Steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art? You know, those famous steps that Rocky Balboa triumphantly ran up in the movie? Well, if you visit them now, you’ll be in for quite a surprise. The once majestic and awe-inspiring stairs have been left in a state of disrepair, leaving visitors disappointed and disheartened. So, what exactly happened to the Rocky Steps? Let’s take a closer look.

The sorry state of the Rocky Steps

As you approach the Rocky Steps, be prepared for a sight that will truly shock you. Broken glass, nails, and trash are scattered on the ground, creating a hazardous environment for those who dare to climb. It’s a pity to see such an iconic location being neglected and left in shambles. The fountain, once a sparkling centerpiece, is now turned off and covered in rust and dirt. You can’t help but wonder how such neglect could have occurred.

As you make your way up the steps, you’ll notice that they have deteriorated significantly over time. Holes have formed, allowing plants to grow out of them, and stones are missing, creating an uneven and unstable surface. It’s saddening to witness the gradual decay of this once magnificent staircase.

Sadly, the area surrounding the steps is no better. The walls are covered in graffiti, and trash litters the ground. It’s a stark contrast to the dreams and aspirations these steps once represented. To make matters worse, there is a putrid sewage pond filled with refuse right in front of the steps. It’s a pitiful sight and a stark reminder of the lack of respect shown towards this cultural landmark.

Taking a closer look at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, you’ll notice that the building’s facade is covered in black soot and mold. The neglect is evident, and it’s disheartening to see such a prestigious institution not receiving the care it deserves. There are even holes in the building’s structure, posing safety risks to both visitors and staff members.

Why should the city prioritize maintenance?

It’s no secret that the Rocky Steps hold a special place in the hearts of many, not only Philadelphians but also movie enthusiasts from around the world. It represents the grit, determination, and fighting spirit of America. This cultural landmark has brought joy and inspiration to countless individuals, and it should be seen as a priority to maintain and preserve it.

The neglect and decay of the Rocky Steps send a distressing message about the city’s commitment to its landmarks and cultural sites. These steps have served as a symbol of hope and perseverance, and they deserve to be treated with respect. Investing in the restoration and maintenance of the Rocky Steps would not only benefit the city itself but also attract tourists and boost the local economy.


In conclusion, it is disheartening to witness the sorry state of the Rocky Steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. From the broken glass and nails on the ground to the deteriorated steps and the surrounding graffiti, the neglect is evident. The decay of this iconic cultural landmark reflects a lack of prioritization for maintaining and preserving the city’s heritage.

It’s high time that Philadelphia takes action and invests in the restoration and maintenance of this symbol of grit and fighting spirit. The Rocky Steps have brought joy and inspiration to countless individuals, and they deserve to be restored to their former glory. Let’s not let neglect and indifference destroy the soul of this beloved landmark. Together, we can ensure that the Rocky Steps continue to inspire generations to come.