This Is What They Don’t Tell You About Gender Pay Gaps

    This Is What They Don’t Tell You About Gender Pay Gaps


    Gender pay gaps have been a widely debated topic for quite some time now. Many argue that women are unfairly paid less than men for the same work, while others suggest that there are factors beyond discrimination at play. In a recent video by BlazeTV, these claims are challenged and the discussion takes a different turn. The video delves into the complexities of the gender pay gap and challenges the idea of equalizing outcomes. It explores the disparities in various aspects of society and questions whether true equality can ever be achieved.

    The Gender Pay Gap: Equalizing Outcomes or Distorted Narratives?

    The video starts by addressing the commonly held narrative that the gender pay gap is solely a product of discrimination against women in the workplace. It argues that such claims are based on misleading statistics and incomplete analysis. Instead, it suggests that there are significant differences in the choices men and women make when it comes to their careers.

    The Truth Behind Prison Populations

    One striking point made in the video is the disproportionate representation of males in prisons. The majority of inmates are men, raising the question of whether striving for equality should also include equalizing outcomes in areas that are often overlooked. While the focus is commonly on closing the gender pay gap, the video poses the intriguing question of whether society should also address the gender disparity in incarceration rates.

    Occupational Disparities and Personal Preferences

    Another aspect discussed in the video is the unequal distribution of genders in certain occupations. It highlights how men are more likely to be involved in physically demanding jobs such as bricklaying, while women tend to dominate in humanities and social sciences in universities. The video argues that these choices are driven by personal preferences and individual aptitudes rather than discrimination.

    The video raises a provocative question – is it fair for women with degrees in fields like childhood education to earn less than men in high-risk professions like skyscraper construction or coal mining? It challenges the notion that equalizing outcomes in terms of pay is the only way to achieve gender equality.

    Accusing Lies and Gaming

    Throughout the video, a recurring theme is the accusation that those promoting the gender pay gap narrative are engaging in deceitful tactics. The video asserts that the numbers presented to support pay disparities are often manipulated, and the concept of equalizing outcomes is based on lies and games. It encourages viewers to critically analyze the claims made in order to gain a more accurate understanding of the complexities involved.

    Cushy Jobs, High Pay, and Deserved Salaries

    One particularly striking moment in the video is when it questions the fairness of high pay for jobs that are considered “cushy.” The speaker implies that women, who are often featured in such occupations, do not deserve the same high salaries as those in more physically demanding or high-risk professions. This assertion challenges the traditional understanding of equal pay for equal work and sparks further contemplation on the topic.


    The video by BlazeTV adds a fresh perspective to the ongoing discussion surrounding gender pay gaps. It challenges the prevailing narrative that equalizing outcomes is the fundamental solution to bridging the divide. By highlighting various disparities and questioning the fairness of certain claims, the video encourages viewers to approach the topic with a critical mind.

    In the pursuit of gender equality, it is crucial to delve deeper into the complexities of the issue rather than resorting to simplistic solutions. Understanding the intricate factors that contribute to the gender pay gap is essential for fostering meaningful change. Only by engaging in open and honest dialogue can we hope to achieve a more equitable future for all.