I lead an EXORCISM in DC— Hope it worked!

I lead an EXORCISM in DC— Hope it worked!


In a recent video created by Benny Johnson titled “I lead an EXORCISM in DC— Hope it worked!”, he brings attention to thought-provoking topics that are relevant to our society today. Through this article, we will explore the key points discussed in the video and delve into the importance of each topic. With a focus on maintaining a creative and unique style, we will analyze the significance of public school teachers’ role, the inappropriate sexualization of children, the concept of gender, the importance of God’s truth, the power of women in society, our responsibility to save the nation, and the hope for a brighter future.

Public School teachers do not get to pick your kids’ gender:

One of the crucial points highlighted in the video is the notion that public school teachers do not have the authority to determine the gender identity of students. This theme sparks a conversation regarding the boundaries and responsibilities of educators. Teachers play a significant role in shaping young minds, but it is important to recognize that the determination of one’s gender identity is a deeply personal matter that should be left to the individual and their family.

Those who sexualize children inappropriately should go to prison:

In the age of increased awareness surrounding child protection, Benny Johnson raises an important issue by strongly advocating for appropriate consequences for individuals who engage in the inappropriate sexualization of children. This topic reminds us of the importance of safeguarding our young ones and ensuring their physical and emotional well-being. Society must support measures that protect children and hold accountable those who exploit them.

There are only two genders:

The concept of gender identity is a topic that has gained significant attention and debate in recent years. Benny Johnson’s video reaffirms the traditional view that there are only two genders – male and female. This perspective reflects the biological and scientific understanding of gender, while acknowledging that individuals may experience a range of identities within these two categories. It serves as a reminder that respecting and acknowledging different perspectives is essential, while grounding ourselves in biological realities.

God is the real truth number one:

Amidst the discussions surrounding societal issues, Benny Johnson emphasizes the significance of God’s truth. This point reinforces the idea that the ultimate source of truth lies in a higher power. It invites us to consider the principles and values rooted in faith, highlighting the importance of spiritual guidance in our lives.

Every single person in the world was born of a woman:

Recognizing the significant role of women in our society, Benny Johnson’s video emphasizes that every individual in the world was born of a woman. This acknowledgment sheds light on the inherent strength and nurturing qualities possessed by women. It serves as a powerful reminder to honor and respect the contributions and sacrifices made by women throughout history and in our daily lives.

We can stand in the gap and save this nation:

The message of empowerment and responsibility resonates strongly in the video. Benny Johnson encourages viewers to stand up and take action to save the nation, highlighting our collective capacity to make a difference. This call to action inspires us to become actively involved in our communities, advocating for positive change and working towards a better future.

God will create more flourishing for this country and heal our land:

In the pursuit of a brighter future, Benny Johnson’s video instills hope by suggesting that God will create more flourishing for our country and heal our land. This statement speaks to the power of faith and encourages individuals to have optimism despite the challenges we face. It serves as a reminder that there is always room for growth and transformation.

Together, we march to victory:

The central message of unity and solidarity resonates throughout Benny Johnson’s video. The call to march together towards victory emphasizes the importance of collective action and working towards a common goal. This message encourages collaboration and reminds us that by standing together, we can overcome challenges and achieve success.


Benny Johnson’s video offers a thought-provoking and inspiring perspective on various topics that hold relevance in our society today. Through its creative and unique style, the video urges us to reflect on the role of public school teachers, protect the innocence of children, respect different perspectives on gender, embrace the truth of a higher power, honor the contributions of women, take responsibility for our nation’s future, and hold onto hope for a better tomorrow. It is through these discussions and calls to action that we can contribute to a society that is inclusive, respectful, and guided by shared values.