Kevin McCarthy Surrenders

Kevin McCarthy Surrenders


Recently there has been a lot of political upheaval in the United States regarding the debt ceiling limit. Kevin McCarthy Republican Leader in the House of Representatives has come under criticism for surrendering the House Speaker position under Democrat pressure for a 2-year debt ceiling limit with modest federal spending reforms. This decision has been met with a mixed response from politicians and journalists alike with some criticizing it for solidifying unsustainable spending as a baseline and others seeing it as a necessary compromise. In this article we will explore the events leading up to McCarthys decision and the responses it has garnered.

Exploring the Events:

The United States has been grappling with the debt ceiling limit for many years. It is essentially a legal cap on the amount of money the government can borrow to pay off its debts. The limit has been raised over the years to accommodate the increasing amount of debt that the government has accumulated. However in recent times this topic has become politicized with both political parties using it as a bargaining chip to push their agenda.

The latest round of discussions on the debt ceiling limit began in the early months of 2021. Democrats wanted to raise the limit to allow for more spending while Republicans wanted to keep the limit unchanged to control government spending. Kevin McCarthy was the key Republican figure leading the negotiations for the GOP.

Criticism of the Deal:

The final deal that was struck between the two parties was a 2-year debt ceiling limit with modest federal spending reforms. This deal was met with mixed responses with some conservative politicians criticizing it for not doing enough to control government spending. Chip Roy Rand Paul and Mike Lee were among the critics who saw the deal as a missed opportunity to claw back inflation reduction acts and control spending.

Independent journalist Jordan Shachtel agreed with the critics and took a more harsh stance on the matter. He saw the deal as normalizing insane spending levels and misguided defense spending. This is in line with the conservative view that the Republicans are spending like Democrats and not even funding their friends causes.

McCarthys Surrender:

The debt ceiling deal has caused Kevin McCarthy to surrender his position as House Speaker. Democrats had put pressure on him to accept the deal and he had to make the tough decision of whether to compromise or not. He ultimately chose to compromise which has led to criticism from his fellow Republicans.

The potential vote on the debt ceiling deal is coming soon before the June 5th deadline. It remains to be seen how Republicans will vote and whether there will be any consequences for McCarthys surrender.

Options for Watching OAN:

Despite all the political unrest one can still watch OAN to stay informed and connected. One can access the full show on the OANN website and app. OAN also has a new social platform for uncensored speech called Free Talk which is worth checking out. KlowdTV offers a subscription service to watch OAN live with prices starting at $2.50/mo.


The debt ceiling limit has become a contentious issue in the United States and the recent deal struck between the two parties has caused a lot of controversy. Kevin McCarthys decision to surrender his House Speaker position has added fuel to the fire with some criticizing him for not standing up for his principles. As the vote on the debt ceiling deal approaches it remains to be seen how this will play out and what the consequences of the decision will be.