Ex-Feminist Destroys Feminism

Ex-Feminist Destroys Feminism

Ex-Feminist Destroys Feminism: A Bold Insight into the Lies of Feminism


Feminism has been a popular topic in our society for quite some time now. Over the years people were made to believe that feminism is all about empowering women and providing equal rights to them. However the truth is far from it. Feminism is nothing but a sham that disguises the truth of its real purpose. The real purpose being to control and manipulate society break the family unit and spread hatred towards men. Those who doubt this just need to take a look at the facts research and hear the story of an ex-feminist who explains why feminism is a scam.

Feminism- A War on True Masculinity

First off is the idea that feminism is a war on true masculinity. Feminists would want men to be castrated and act femininely considering that masculinity is considered toxic. The truth is men have strengths and weaknesses that are different from women. Men are wired to be providers and protectors traditionally which leads to them taking certain actions for the greater good of their family and society. The mentality of feminists that men are their oppressors and enemies is completely irrational and flawed.

The feminist idea of eliminating toxic masculinity is massively harmful. Its not a war on toxic masculinity but on masculinity as a whole which is a real problem. Men in general are more logical assertive and goal-oriented than women which gives them a sense of purpose and accomplishment in life. There is nothing toxic about those traits. The concept of ‘toxic masculinity’ tries to tell men to adopt more feminine traits which causes much more destruction within society than by men being men.

Feminism is a Scam

Feminism isnt about equality at all. Feminists have long been hiding behind the cloak of equality just to stir up anger and hatred among women. Its been used as a disguise to keep their control over the heads of women and make sure those women cannot detect their ploy. Even the term feminism should be changed to femism considering that its a movement that only supports a specific demographic of people based on sex. Feminism in essence is a scam. If feminists aimed for equality they would have worked to advocate for all humans regardless of their gender ethnicity and culture.

Rockefeller funded Feminist Campaigns in Media

David Rockefeller has been playing a massive role in advocating for feminist movements globally. David was the scion of a wealthy family and was known for funding feminist campaigns to subvert the traditional family values and teachings. The Rockefeller family has invested millions in spreading the idea behind feminism. As a result media has played a significant role in influencing individuals to follow it blindly. With this it is evident that the feminist movement has never come from the grassroot levels and has been facilitated by the elite.

Feminism Disrupted the Family Unit by sending children to Rockefeller-funded schools.

Schools in America have been massively manipulated to promote feminism from a very young age. This has caused significant disruptions in the family unit. The constant promotion of feminism through schools and colleges has caused womens interests and career goals to shift from traditional family-oriented tasks to government jobs. These areas have become more attractive to women since feminism propels these ideologies. As a result we have seen a massive drop in the female population present at home and raising children. Rockefeller funded schools are successful in creating a void between the parents and the child ensuring that parents responsibilities are lost and government intervention takes place.

What rights do men have in the west that women dont?

Feminists claim that society has given more rights to men and its high time women get an equal amount of rights. But the truth is in the western world men dont get any special rights that women dont have. Men and women have equal opportunities concerning basic human rights. Women have the right to vote hold public office own businesses make decisions about their bodies and participate in the military. Women are also given an upper hand in divorce settlements and child custody rights. Hence in the current scenario men and women have similar rights and its high time we stop claiming that one is oppressing the other.

We hope this article was able to shed some light on the reality of the feminism movement. It is high time we move towards a society that works towards equality and equal opportunities rather than promoting hatred and witch-hunts against a particular gender.