Heartbroken Mom Recalls How Illegal Alien Gang Member MURDERED Her Daughter

    Heartbroken Mom Recalls How Illegal Alien Gang Member MURDERED Her Daughter

    Heartbroken Mom Recalls How Illegal Alien Gang Member MURDERED Her Daughter

    The death of a loved one is always painful but it is even more challenging when it is at the hands of a criminal who shouldnt have been in the country in the first place. Tammy Noble a heartbroken mom tells the chilling story of how her daughter was murdered by an illegal alien gang member. She narrates how this tragedy happened due to weak border policies and the inadequate vetting process of illegal immigrants.


    Tammy Noble is one of the many people who have had to bear the unbearable pain of losing a loved one to an illegal alien gang member. Her story is a poignant reminder of why the United States needs stricter border policies aimed at keeping dangerous criminals out of the country. Tammys story highlights the reasons why BlazeTV has been at the forefront of advocating for stronger immigration policies.

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    Tammy Nobles Testimony on Her Daughters Murder by an MS-1 Gang Member

    Tammy Nobles daughter Kayla Hamilton was a vibrant young woman with her whole life ahead of her. She had a caring heart and was full of life. Unfortunately her life was cut short when she was strangled to death by an MS-1 gang member.

    Tammy shares that her daughter had a bright future ahead of her; she was just starting college and had so much going for her. When Kayla was murdered Tammys world came crashing down. She recalls how numb she felt in the days following her daughters death wondering why the system had failed her daughter.

    The Murderer Was Apprehended at the Border and Was Allowed to Live with His Aunt Who Was Also an Illegal Immigrant

    The man responsible for Kaylas murder was an illegal alien who was apprehended at the border. However instead of being deported he was allowed to live with his aunt who was also in the United States illegally. Tammy shares that this was one of the many flaws in the vetting process that allows criminals to enter the country.

    The Murderer Subsequently Lived with His Half-Brother in the Same Trailer Park as the Victim

    Tammy recalls that the murderer after being allowed to live with his aunt decided to move in with his half-brother who lived in the same trailer park as Kayla. Tammy wonders why the vetting process doesnt include information on where illegal immigrants go after being released. Because had there been any proper investigation the authorities could have anticipated the danger and stopped this tragedy before it happened.

    The Murderer Attacked the Victim Kayla Hamilton in Her Own Room Strangling Her to Death While She Called Her Boyfriend

    The night of the tragedy the murderer attacked Kayla in her room strangling her to death. Tammy shared that they found Kaylas phone nearby with her boyfriends name on the screen indicating that she was most likely speaking to him when the killer attacked her.

    The Murderer Was Not Properly Vetted or Investigated and Kaylas Death Could Have Been Prevented with Stricter Border Policies

    Kaylas death was a direct result of flawed vetting and border policies. Tammy shares that had there been stricter border policies the authorities would have been in a better position to prevent this tragedy or at least apprehend the perpetrator quickly. Tammy argues that more needs to be done to protect United States citizens from violent illegal criminals. She urges people to be more vigilant and bring awareness to this critical issue to prevent further tragedies.

    Tammy Advocates for Protecting United States Citizens and Bringing Awareness to the Issue at the Border to Prevent Further Tragedies

    Tammy is passionate about protecting Americans from the danger posed by illegal alien gang members. She advocates for stricter border policies better vetting of immigrants and awareness about the risks posed by criminals entering the country illegally. Tammys story speaks to the need for more stringent laws aimed at protecting United States citizens from violent criminal elements.

    In conclusion Tammys story is a poignant reminder of the dangers posed by the weak border policies currently in place. If stricter laws are put in place to protect US citizens from illegal criminals families like Tammys will not have to mourn the loss of their loved ones in the way she has had to. BlazeTV continues to push for these policy changes and you can join them by subscribing today.