Why Glenn is LOSING HIS MIND Over Target’s Controversial LGBT Products

    Why Glenn is LOSING HIS MIND Over Target's Controversial LGBT Products

    Why Glenn is LOSING HIS MIND Over Targets Controversial LGBT Products


    Recently Target the retail giant has come under fire for its LGBT products that were launched in celebration of Pride month. Glenn Beck a conservative American radio host and political commentator has expressed outrage over Targets collection. In his show he urged his listeners to boycott the store claiming that Target is promoting the destruction of traditional values.

    But why is Glenn Beck losing his mind over Targets LGBT products? Lets explore the details and understand both sides of the argument.

    Targets Pride Collection

    Targets Pride collection includes various products that cater to the LGBTQ+ community. These products include t-shirts swimsuits and other accessories that feature rainbows and Pride-themed slogans. However the companys most controversial product is the tuck-friendly swimsuits. Target also introduced products designed for children transitioning gender.

    Glenn Becks Reaction

    Glenn Beck suggests boycotting Target for their inclusion of these products. He believes that Target is promoting the destruction of families and traditional values. Beck has also accused the retailer of promoting LGBT lifestyles to children and encouraging them to question their gender identity.

    Beck has also stated that the designer behind some of the Pride collection products is a satanist which has further agitated his religious beliefs.

    Living Not By Lies

    In his show Glenn Beck has been promoting his upcoming book Living Not By Lies. The book discusses how people can remove themselves from a society that he believes is lying or promoting agendas that go against traditional values. Beck has used this opportunity to urge his listeners to live according to their conscience and to reject the lies that society is feeding them.

    Comparing Targets Products to Black Lives Matter

    Glenn Beck has compared Targets products to those of Black Lives Matter a movement fighting for racial justice. He claimed that the two are promoting ideologies that are harmful to American families and traditional values. He also suggested that some of the money generated from Targets sales May be going towards BLM which he denounces.

    Walmarts Ties to the World Economic Forum

    In his show Glenn Beck also discussed Walmarts ties to the World Economic Forum a non-profit organization that aims to improve the state of the world by engaging with business political and academic leaders to shape global agendas. Beck suggested that Walmarts association with this organization is another example of big businesses promoting globalist agendas that go against American values.


    In conclusion Glenn Becks reaction to Targets LGBT products is a reflection of the divide that exists in America between those who support traditional values and those who advocate for social progressivism. While some people support Targets efforts towards inclusivity and diversity others believe that the company is promoting ideologies that are harmful and go against traditional values.

    Becks reaction can also be seen as a way to promote his upcoming book but that does not negate the fact that he has sparked an important discussion about the role of big businesses in society. Regardless of where one stands on the issue it is essential to listen to both sides of the argument and foster a respectful dialogue that can lead to better understanding and progress.