Target Panics! EXPOSED For Hiring SATANIST To Design Kids Clothes | Backlash: ‘The Next Bud Light!’

Target Panics! EXPOSED For Hiring SATANIST To Design Kids Clothes | Backlash: 'The Next Bud Light!'


Target is one of the biggest retail stores in the United States. Its wide array of products attracts numerous consumers to their stores every day. Recently the store came under fire for allegedly hiring a Satanist to design their kids clothing line. The controversy has triggered a fierce backlash on social media with people questioning Targets judgment and its potential impact on its reputation.

Target allegedly hired a Satanist to design their kids clothing line

The news that Target hired a Satanist to design their kids clothing line has led to widespread outrage. Many people are concerned about the message that this sends to impressionable young children. Critics of the decision have pointed out that incorporating satanic imagery and messaging into childrens clothing is not appropriate as it could lead to confusion and fear.

The controversy has triggered a fierce backlash on social media

The backlash on social media has been swift and severe. Many people have expressed their anger and disappointment that Target would make such a decision. Hashtags like #BoycottTarget have been trending on Twitter with people urging others to stop supporting the store. The controversy has also sparked debates on various online forums and discussion boards.

Critics are questioning Targets judgment and its potential impact on its reputation

The controversy has led many people to question Targets judgment and its potential impact on its reputation. Target is a household name in the United States and has a reputation for being a family-friendly store. However this controversy has caused some to question whether Target actually cares about its customers and their values. Critics also point out that Targets decision could lead to boycotts and a decline in sales.

The clothing line includes satanic imagery and messaging

One of the main concerns about Targets decision is the inclusion of satanic imagery and messaging in the clothing line. Some of the designs feature pentagrams inverted crosses and other symbols associated with Satanism. Critics argue that incorporating these elements into childrens clothing could normalize them and make them more mainstream. This is particularly concerning given the potentially harmful nature of Satanic practices.

The story is drawing comparisons to previous brand controversies like Bud Light

The controversy surrounding Targets decision to hire a Satanist to design their kids clothing line is drawing comparisons to previous brand controversies. One of the most notable examples is Bud Light which faced heavy criticism for their Up for Whatever” campaign. Critics argue that both Target and Bud Light decided to prioritize shock value over their customer bases values and beliefs.

The controversy is a spiritual war between Satanists and Christians

Some people view the controversy as a spiritual battle between Satanists and Christians. They argue that hiring a Satanist to design childrens clothing is a direct attack on Christian values and beliefs. This perspective has led some people to call for a boycott of Target and to urge other Christians to do the same.

The story highlights the power of consumer activism and the importance of being aware of where our money goes

The controversy surrounding Targets decision highlights the power of consumer activism and the importance of being aware of where our money goes. Consumers have the power to hold brands accountable for their decisions and to vote with their wallets. Ultimately this can lead to positive change and a better more responsible corporate culture.

The video calls on Joanna and Chip Gaines who have a partnership with Target to speak out against the satanic messaging in the store

In response to the controversy a video has been circulating on social media calling on Joanna and Chip Gaines who have a partnership with Target to speak out against the Satanic messaging in the store. The video urges the couple to use their platform to raise awareness about the issue and to pressure Target to withdraw the clothing line.


The controversy surrounding Targets decision to hire a Satanist to design their kids clothing line has sparked a fierce backlash on social media. Critics argue that the clothing lines inclusion of satanic imagery and messaging is inappropriate and could have negative effects on impressionable young children. The controversy highlights the power of consumer activism and the importance of being aware of where our money goes. It remains to be seen what if any action Target will take in response to the controversy.