Musician, Record Producer & Composer, Stephen Hilton, on the Radical Hollywood Agenda

Musician, Record Producer & Composer, Stephen Hilton, on the Radical Hollywood Agenda


Hollywood has long been known for its glamour glitz and the power to make dreams come true. However behind all the glamor and paparazzi lies a darker reality. The entertainment industry has always had a political agenda and as times have changed so has the political ideology. The radical Hollywood agenda is now more prevalent than ever with many celebrities and media outlets pushing for a certain agenda and cancel culture enforcing it. One man who has spoken out against this agenda is Stephen Hilton a musician record producer and composer.

How Hollywoods Old System is Dying and New Media is Taking Over

Stephen Hilton in an interview revealed how the old Hollywood system is on its deathbed. The system of casting couches nepotism and political influence is slowly fading away. The revolution is being led by new media platforms including the controversial One America News Network (OANN). This network offers exclusive content on their website and OAN Live App which is a refreshing change from the mainstream news channels.

Late Night Talk Shows: Lacking Rebelliousness and Originality

Late night talk shows have long been a staple of American television. However in recent years the quality of these shows has declined and they have become nothing more than propaganda machines. Stephen Hilton pointed out that these late-night talk shows often have 95% of their guests from the left creating an echo chamber and minimizing any opposing voices.

Moreover these shows lack originality and are increasingly boring. Celebrities come on and tell the same stories over and over again. The jokes are stale and predictable. There is hardly any rebellion or risk-taking which is what originally made late-night talk shows so appealing.

The Writers Strike and Its Impact on the Industry

The writers strike has been ongoing for quite some time now and it is having a significant impact on the entertainment industry. Shows are not being made and viewers are frustrated. Its unclear if an agreement will be reached but the fact remains that the writers strike is hurting the industry immensely.

Free Talk: The Anti-Cancel Culture Social Platform

In response to cancel culture OANN has launched a new social platform called Free Talk. Its a platform that allows free speech without shadow banning. Stephen Hilton pointed out that traditional social media platforms have become increasingly censored and the fear of cancel culture is stifling dissenting voices. Free Talk is a refreshing change that allows for open dialogue and the free exchange of ideas.

Celebrities and the Neoliberal Agenda

Many celebrities today are afraid to speak out against the radical Hollywood agenda. Cancel culture has created a climate of fear and many celebrities dont want to risk their careers by speaking out. They fear being cancelled and losing their fan base.

Stephen Hilton pointed out that celebrities are often used to push a certain neoliberal agenda. They are used to influence the public and sway opinions. However many of these celebrities dont use their platforms for good but rather for promoting their agendas.

Staying Informed with Unbiased Reporting

In todays world its essential to stay informed with credible and unbiased reporting. Many news outlets have become partisan and its hard to differentiate between facts and opinions. However OANN offers a refreshing change. Viewers can sign up for OAN Live on for only $4.99 per month. Its a small price to pay for unbiased reporting.


Stephen Hiltons views on the radical Hollywood agenda are a refreshing change from the status quo. In a world where cancel culture is stifling dissenting voices its essential to have platforms like OANN and Free Talk that allow for open dialogue and the free exchange of ideas. Its crucial to stay informed with unbiased reporting and OANN is leading the way in providing credible news. The entertainment industry May be changing but the push for a radical agenda is something that we must all be aware of.