Ban Assault Bats NOW!

    Ban Assault Bats NOW!


    Baseball bats have long been an essential part of Americas favorite pastime. However recent events have brought attention to the dangers of owning a baseball bat for purposes other than playing baseball. A video from BlazeTV features a group discussion about an assault that was committed by a mentally unstable individual. The person attacked two congressmen and their staffers with a baseball bat. The discussion suggests the need for a waiting period on purchasing baseball bats and argues that owning a baseball bat for other than playing baseball is unnecessary. In this article we will explore the reasons why the ban on assault bats is necessary.

    Assaults with Baseball Bats on the Rise

    According to the National Crime Victimization Survey the use of baseball bats in violent crimes has increased in recent years. In 2018 there were over 2000 reported cases of assaults using baseball bats. A baseball bat is easily accessible and it can cause significant damage leading to long-lasting injuries and even death.

    Baseball Bats are Not Necessary for Self Defense

    Some might argue that owning a baseball bat is necessary for self-defense. However there are other means of self-defense that are safer and more effective. Pepper spray stun guns and firearms are some of the alternatives that can be used for self-defense. Owning a baseball bat for self-defense is not only unnecessary but also dangerous. In the wrong hands a baseball bat can cause more harm than good.

    A Waiting Period on Purchasing Baseball Bats

    A waiting period on purchasing baseball bats can prevent impulsive buying of such weapons. This waiting period can help to examine and ensure why a person needs the bat. People who are buying the bat for playing baseball do not need to worry about waiting time. However those who want to buy a baseball bat for an ill purpose will have to wait and hopefully calm down before making the purchase.

    The Need to Ban Assault Bats

    It is crucial to prevent the assault using baseball bats as they can cause long-lasting injuries and even death. A ban on assault bats can decrease violent attacks by taking away the liability from an attackers hand. This will lead to more importance given to the innocent life of a victim instead of a violent attacker.

    Ways to Support the Ban

    To support the ban on assault bats one can subscribe and sign up for newsletters from organizations advocating for the ban. BlazeTV has the option to subscribe and receive newsletters and stay connected to social media and other organizations on behalf of the ban. Moreover one can pressure their representatives and policymakers to support the legislation on the ban of assault bats.


    The recent increase in assaults using baseball bats is a significant concern for everyones safety. Owning a baseball bat for anything other than playing baseball is not necessary and a waiting period is reasonable. A ban on assault bats will prevent violent attacks and promote safer alternatives for self-defense. With support from organizations and policymakers we can take a significant step towards making our communities safer.