Upstate New York’s vets betrayed for migrants!

    Upstate New York's vets betrayed for migrants!

    Upstate New Yorks Vets Betrayed for Migrants!

    As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on the economic fallout has had its detrimental effects on millions of individuals across the United States. Among the most vulnerable groups are homeless veterans who have dedicated their lives to serving the nation. However recent news has exposed a disturbing trend of hotels in upstate New York evicting homeless veterans to make way for migrants from New York City. This development raises concerns about the treatment of veterans who were promised assistance and support when they returned home.

    Nonprofit Housing Agencies Displaced

    Temporary housing programs that provide shelter for homeless veterans in the upstate New York area were displaced to nearby motels and hotels to make room for migrants. These nonprofit organizations play a crucial role in supporting veterans who are struggling with homelessness often finding them suitable living conditions and employment opportunities. However the displacement of these organizations has left homeless veterans vulnerable to homelessness on the streets.

    Mayor Eric Adams Migrant Busing Campaign

    This displacement came about in response to Mayor Eric Adams migrant busing campaign intended to ease overcrowding in New York City. However this campaign resulted in the displacement of homeless veterans leaving them without safe and comfortable shelter. The decision to prioritize migrants over homeless veterans particularly those in shelters operated by nonprofits is concerning. It is crucial to support those most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and not to leave behind those who have given so much to the nation.

    Evicting Veterans for Profit

    The CEO of the Yerik Israel Toney Foundation an organization that advocates for affordable housing for veterans believes that the evictions were carried out to increase profits. Hotels are paid more for taking in migrants compared to the $88 a day paid for housing veterans. This act of evicting veterans for profit is a gross negligence towards the dignity and well-being of those who have fought for the nation.

    Betrayal of Nations Heroes

    The news of upstate New York hotels evicting homeless veterans has sparked concerns and is seen as a betrayal towards the nations heroes. It sends a message to veterans that their service and dedication to the country are not valued as much as migrants in need of immediate assistance. The displacement of nonprofit organizations providing shelter for veterans further compounds these concerns as it shows a lack of regard for veterans welfare which is already a major issue.


    The displacement of homeless veterans in upstate New York to make room for migrants is an alarming trend that has sparked concerns across the country. These veterans deserve better treatment and care which has been promised to them for their service to the nation. Displacing nonprofit organizations that provide temporary shelter to homeless veterans is a further indication of the negligence towards their welfare. It is crucial that those in power prioritize supporting those most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The treatment of homeless veterans in the upstate New York area is a reflection of the societys values and beliefs towards the nations heroes. This act of betrayal towards the heroes of the nation must come to an end.

    Additional Information

    The story can be found using the #news hashtag or by clicking the link in the bio. The displacement was done to make more money for the hotel at the expense of homeless veterans. It is important to create awareness about this issue and raise public support for homeless veterans who are struggling to make ends meet in the pandemic.