BASED Grandpa WRECKS Woke School Board

    BASED Grandpa WRECKS Woke School Board


    Rating systems are in place to help society determine what is appropriate for different audiences. These systems help individuals make informed decisions about the entertainment they consume. The Entertainment Software Rating Board and the movie rating system are well known examples of this type of system. BlazeTV in a recent video discussed the role of ratings in entertainment and how it impacts society. However the question remains: Are these rating systems effective and how do they impact society?

    The Entertainment Software Rating Board

    The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) uses a rating system to inform parents about the appropriate games for their children. This system has four broad categories: E for everyone E10 for ages 10 and up T for ages 1 and up and M17 for mature audiences. The purpose of the ESRB is to provide information to parents about the games they are buying for their children rather than to outright ban games from certain age groups.

    The ESRB rates games based on their content including violence language sexual content and drug use. These ratings are displayed on the outside cover of the game and in some cases when the game starts. The ESRB’s mission statement is to help parents make informed decisions about the video games and apps their children play.

    Movie Rating System

    Movies are similarly rated based on their content. These ratings serve as a guideline for parents and guardians in deciding which movies their children can watch. The ratings given to movies can range from G for general audiences to R for restricted audiences. The rating board also uses the term generally suitable as a guideline for rating movies.

    Schools and Mature Content

    Despite the presence of these rating systems it is still a topic of debate as to why some mature content is allowed in schools while movies and video games with the same content would not be allowed. While books with mature content are deemed appropriate for schools the same cannot be said for video games or movies. The question remains: Why is this so?

    BlazeTV suggests that a woke County employee bringing in an M17 game or an R-rated movie to a school would be a problem as it would go against the guidelines set in place. However this begs the question of whether these guidelines are effective and why some content is allowed in schools while others are not.


    In conclusion rating systems serve an important role in determining what is appropriate for different audiences. These systems provide guidelines for individuals in deciding what entertainment is suitable for them. The ESRB and movie rating systems provide information to parents and guardians about the content of video games and movies respectively. However the effectiveness of these systems in shaping societys perception of entertainment remains a topic of debate.

    The discrepancy between books movies and video games with mature content being allowed in schools highlights the need for a deeper exploration of what is deemed appropriate for different audiences. While rating systems help guide individual decisions further exploration of societal norms and values can assist in shaping these guidelines to better serve society as a whole.