Republican Senator Demands Answers On Biden’s Costly “Clean Energy” Plan!

    Republican Senator Demands Answers On Biden's Costly "Clean Energy" Plan!

    The Biden administration's latest Mission is to promote electric vehicles But are they worth the Hefty price tag Senator John Kennedy asked the hard Question during a senate hearing on the Inflation reduction act he called out The government for trying to force their Agenda on the people arguing it is a Waste of taxpayer money I'm rich Crenshaw stay informed on the Latest developments and tap subscribe Below to enable your notifications During a senate committee on the budget Hearing Louisiana Republican senator John Kennedy questioned the need for Government incentives to encourage Americans to buy electric cars President and CEO of the solar energy Industries Association Abigail Ross Hopper was testifying on the importance Of clean energy investment And the inflation reduction act the Senate committee on the budget hearing Provided a platform for Senator Kennedy To question the need For government incentives for electric Vehicles he asked Ms Hopper why Americans are not choosing electric cars Over traditional combustion engine cars In a competitive market He challenged the need for government Incentives arguing that if electric cars Were so great Americans would already be Buying them take a look

    Miss um Um I can't say your name I can't see Hopkins Hopper there's Hopper I I love Solar energy I just want you to know That and I love electric cars but I got To ask you this question I've been Waiting to ask this Uh if electric cars are so swell How come government has to pay people to Drive them So I think um As like most most government policies Right are are put in place to incense Certain behaviors and so that's part of The policy is that if we want more but If they're so swell why couldn't they in Just in a competitive market you know People why wouldn't they be choosing Eve Well actually cars over in internal Combustion engine cars I think why do we Have to pay people to drive them well I Don't I wouldn't characterize as paying People to drive them but sure we are We're giving them a big old tax credit Is the government having a policy to Incent more a purchase of electric Vehicles [Music] Thank you Mr chairman Well it's using government money to Manipulate society and you know I Couldn't be more in agreements of Everything that that he's implying here Um I and that includes the fact that I

    Dig all this Alternative Energy really Do I love it but it's not going to be The answer to replace our current Infrastructure not even close the option In a free market Society is phenomenal And it should be and you know what if It's dealt with that way the Innovations Coming from the free market will advance The technology much faster than the Freaking government will Look at China China does an advanced Technology on its own they have to steal It The conversation between Senator Kennedy And Ms Hopper highlighted the Biden Administration 7 500 dollar consumer tax Credit for electric cars and it is Paying people to drive it it's part of The inflation reduction act the ACT also Includes a new battery sourcing rule That will be Um stricter than previous rules this tax Credit applies to only eight electric Vehicles and two plug-in hybrids Probably the government's friends Experts estimate that the program will Cost 136 billion over the next 10 years While the tax credit is intended to Incentivize the purchase of electric Vehicles some argue that it May Disproportionately Benefit higher income Americans who can Afford The Upfront costs of an electric Car in contrast lower income Americans

    May not be able to take advantage of the Tax credit And are left to Bear the burden of Rising fuel costs additionally critics Argue that the government should not be In the business of picking winners and Losers in the Auto industry And that the market should be allowed to Determine the best technology hello The exchange between Senator Kennedy and Ms Hopper highlights the ongoing debate Surrounding the government's role in Promoting clean energy and electric Vehicles while incentive um While incentivize uh such as incentive Incentives such as the tax credit May be Necessary to promote clean energy some Question whether the government should Be involved in the Market at all It's a paragraph I just read twice thank You the exchange between Senator Kennedy And Abigail Ross Harper sheds light on The bite administration's push for clean Energy and the role of the government in Promoting electric vehicles while some Argue that government incentives are Necessary to encourage the adoption of Clean energy technology others question The role of the government in attempting To manufacture a not yet popular Market What the government does not realize is That When something is forced people resist Let us know your thoughts in the

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