Soros Puppet DA Enables Oakland Sideshow Terror, Streets Aflame as City Suffers!

    Soros Puppet DA Enables Oakland Sideshow Terror, Streets Aflame as City Suffers!

    Some breaking news Oakland streets are Engulfed in fiery chaos as a terrifying Mob torches a car during a sideshow the Once proud city is now a breeding ground For lawlessness all thanks to Reckless Progressive policies of its Soros back District attorney and mayor Shang Tao Are our streets safe anymore find out How their refusal to prosecute Non-violent crimes is spreading this Cancerous Trend throughout the Bay Area And Beyond Stay informed tap subscribe below and Enable notifications for the latest on This crisis The Oakland Police Department is Currently investigating a horrifying Sideshow that led to a vehicle being set Ablaze another being driven into it this Chaotic incident occurred late Friday Night near the intersection of Oak Street and 10th close to the Oakland Museum of California here's more [Applause] Y'all are [ __ ] clowns Oh My God [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Absolute Madness looks like a scene out Of Mad Max or

    RoboCop one Now a coordinated journalists Michael Schellenberger these out of control Sideshows are the direct result of the Progressive policies enacted by district Attorney Pamela price and mayor Shang FAO who refused to prosecute non-violent Crimes these shocking scenes of Lawlessness are becoming all too common Throughout the Bay Area and many are Placing the blame squarely on the Shoulders of progressive leadership Pamela price who is backed by Billionaire George Soros and mayor Shang Tao have adopted a lenient stance on Non-violent crimes leaving the police Powerless to stop these criminal side Shows from spiraling out of control As a result residents are left to suffer The consequences other leadership's Failed policies in this footage Oakland Police are seen calmly recording the Chaos which lasted for hours it's not Their fault law enforcement is powerless To Halt these criminal side shows as the Mayor in the D.A adamantly declined to Prosecute non-violent crimes watch Wrong Oh My God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]

    Foreign [Music] They're just standing there Powerless Taking pictures I heard him say Before this I said oh that's illegal Parking oh really How What an astute observation illegal Parking What about the Bonfire of the vehicle or The Reckless Drifting in the middle of a crowded Intersection Thank you [Music] Look at all these cars Everyone there attending this thing This is the result of leftist policies It's no secret that lawlessness has been Spreading like wildfire throughout the Progressive run Bay Area and one Particularly chilling incense another Dangerous Sideshow took place just down The street from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's mansion in San Francisco It seems that no area is immune to this Crime wave as the soft approach to law Enforcement continues to embolden Criminals and jeopardize Public Safety The growing chaos in Oakland is Reminiscent of the recent turmoil in

    Other cities such as Baltimore and Chicago where groups of young people Have wreaked havoc on the streets this Trend is a direct result of progressive Leaders inability or unwillingness to Maintain Law and Order prioritizing the Rights of criminals over the safety of Their constituents Michael schellenberger a respected Journalist has taken to Twitter to voice His concerns regarding the proliferation Of his dangerous sideshows calling out The role that Progressive leadership has Played in enabling them he emphasizes That the police are rendered powerless To put an end to the growing chaos as The D.A and the mayor stubbornly refused To prosecute non-violent crimes as this Epidemic of lawlessness continues to Spread across the country it's essential We hold our elected officials Accountable for the consequences of Their Reckless policies the safety and Well-being of our citizens should be of The utmost priority for any City but as The situations in Oakland and other Progressive run cities have shown this Is far from the case In conclusion the terrifying scenes of Chaos and violence erupting on Oakland Streets are a harsh reminder of the Dangers posed by Progressive policies District attorney Pamela price and mayor Shang fao's refusal to prosecute

    Non-violent crimes has opened the Floodgates to lawlessness leaving Innocent residents to suffer the Consequences with his crime wave Threatening to engulf other Progressive Run cities it's crucial we demand change From our leaders and hold them Accountable for their actions we cannot Stand by idly while our once proud Cities are reduced to Lawless wastelands The time for Action is now Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thanks for watching that report in the Latest survey of Americans nearly half Of them also selected eating healthier Exercising more or losing weight as Their primary goal in the near future in Spite of the fact that 9 out of 10 People who make resolutions are Confident they'll stick to them nearly 80 percent of them are likely to fail to Accomplish them in order to jump start Your New Year resolutions I recommend Starting with this amazing keto powder As one of the easiest ways to help you Achieve your goals regardless of where You are on your health Journey you can Reap the benefits of being in ketosis For weight loss no matter where you are The time is right for you to go to keto With to get your bag that's Keto with simply click more to

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