Councilman Comes Out As LESBIAN NATIVE AMERICAN?

    Councilman Ryan Webb announced that he Now identifies as an indian-american Woman well Ryan we just played that Beautiful news clip where they talked About your Journey coming full circle And how you always go back to yourself Tell us why did you decide to say that You identify as a Native American Lesbian Well you know I I it's something that I've been kind of you know internalizing For quite a while and I I just don't Think the timing was quite right but you Know with each passing day uh Uh the playing field just got bigger and Bigger and bigger as far as what was Acceptable and finally the moment got Right where I said now's enough time That I can uh you know Um let the world know exactly who I Think I am and that's a Native American Lesbian what are your pronouns Ryan Well you know that's funny you're asking That because this is what's got people The most upset I'm not asking anyone to Change my pronouns I'm still going by he And him and his and uh my name is still Ryan I've not changed anything now I did Make one change to my name um instead of Being Ryan the male version I'm now Going by Ryan uh the female version so Other than that yeah so anything Different and other than just me Declaring it yeah Ryan I have a unisex

    Name too Alex and let's be honest any Girl that's named Ryan is usually hot Have you ever done that test Uh because their dad's usually meth Addicts that's why because their dad's Usually on methamphetamines and so their Daughters are hot uh right we got to Have you on where we can have you on Video but I just want to say I had this Whole bit I have a guy dressed as a rat Who actually identifies he's a trans Species but now we the whole bit's Ruined so I'm gonna have to after this I'm gonna stab my producer with a broken Piece of uh ceramic Down to uh Nashville Um tomorrow uh link up with Matt Walsh Shut up shut up Ryan now you're on the Matt Walsh tour what is a woman you what Does Al give you the Matt Walsh Interview what is a woman Ryan Well you know I'm actually going to give Matt the credit because you know I told You I was feeling something and I was Like what is this and then you know I Said I kept reading and hearing that Only a woman knows what a woman is so You know I started looking it up okay Well it's a woman and I couldn't find Anything I tried everywhere so I thought Well if I can't find it and they said That only a woman knows what a woman is And I know I'm definitely feeling Something and this has got to be it so

    That's what I went with and uh from that Day forward uh from about three weeks Ago I've been a woman yeah you're a Chick with a dick and you're still into Chicks so you're Les total lesbo right Absolutely absolutely I'm I'm Maintaining my uh my love of women Specifically my wife Brandon that's Never going to change what is Brandy Ryan okay no let's break the cafe Because we gotta let you go because we Want to do a better interview where You're actually on camera what is your Wife saying about this I know let's Break KFAB she's saying you're crazy Don't do this I know she's saying that Right she's she's been with me long Enough that she gives me my space to do My things she knows that something she Can influence me with another thing She's just along for the ride oh I love It okay but before I let you go Jimmy my Producer says we got to play the clip Because it's so funny with those trans Activists coming to speak uh you know After you or person Brian Webb announced Publicly on social media that he now now Identifies as a lesbian woman of color If he was serious I'd sing his Praises But instead I know better and none of my Jobs in the last 21 years and that is Many many jobs would I have been Permitted to Mock and disrespect my Customers

    And if that were true we would all be Proud of you and no one would be denying Your right to do such things and to Identify by your heritage as your open Mockery of these communities is insane In order to demand for the resignation Of Ryan Webb the post Mr Webb mean on April 12th were offensive on many on Many levels after hearing these Complaints Ryan Webb responded I'm being Dead serious you don't get the question You do not get to require proof for me To help establish these rules and set The bar touche councilman well Ryan we Just watched your clip you did a great Job doubling down I can't wait to see Where this journey takes you it's taking You to the Daily wire it's taking you to Glenn back next thing you know you might Be with my biological father Tucker Carlson when he gets his new show what Do you think about that Ryan Well the old show called me and uh they Wouldn't be to hold off on Jesse wallers Um to do them and and I was thinking you Know if Tucker was still there that I Would absolutely do that but uh I would Have passed and went with Jesse wow wow I can't believe they did that to my dad Well Ryan keep up the good work keep Mocking these people and listen I I Don't if somebody wants to identify as Non-binary I think that's her right as An adult to do that but if you want to

    Do it too that's your right as well so That's what I I don't really like the Hypocrisy and I appreciate you standing Up against it Well I appreciate you giving me an Opportunity to come on love the show too Bad my producer doesn't know how to work A computer but when I uh it's he'll Figure it out he'll learn I'm going to Teach him Windows 98 after the show all Right goodbye all right Jimmy take your Stupid phone [Applause] [Music] Ask yourself