Ford’s Electric Car Unit: A $3B Disaster

    Ford's Electric Car Unit: A $3B Disaster

    Ford's electric vehicle division is in Crisis as losses Mount and experts warn That the company's decision to go all in On electric vehicles is a tremendous Risk that requires ongoing support from Government subsidies with each electric Vehicle sold costing the company roughly A sixty thousand dollar loss the Division's yearly losses could total Three billion dollars despite this Ford CFO describes targets for profitability By the end of 2024 as totally realistic In the face of production issues with Its Mustang Mach esuv and the Ford F-150 Lightning pickup truck Ford is slashing Prices to remain competitive with Tesla We have more details on this developing Story stay informed on the latest Developments tap subscribe and enable Notifications Ford's electric vehicle division is Struggling to stay afloat with losses Mounting as production issues continue To plug the company despite aggressive Cost-cutting measures the division lost 72 million dollars in the first quarter Of 202 while only selling 1200 units This amounts to roughly sixty thousand Dollars in losses for each electric Vehicle sold private analysts predicted The total cost of green manufacturing Subsidies under President Joe Biden's Inflation reduction act will exceed one Trillion dollars with subsidies for

    Electric vehicle battery packs alone Topping 130 billion dollars Well Ford expects to begin turning a Profit by the end of 2024 experts warn That the division's decision to go all In is a tremendous risk Ford's electric Vehicle division losses in the first Quarter are due to production issues With the mock E SUV and the F-150 Lightning which hindered production and Resulted in a 3 percent decrease from The same period in 202 despite this Ford characterizes the division is Operating like a startup and expects to Produce 600 000 units by uh per year by The end of 202. The company recently cut the prices of Its Mach e by almost four thousand Dollars in the ongoing price war with Tesla that's according to CNN watch Neil Kumar scoffs at what it costs to Fuel his vehicle at the gas pump I asked Him if he's considered purchasing an Electric vehicle the prices will go down I want to buy affordability is one Factor it's worth buying if you save Money off in the long run Gloria wafer Says recharging is a welcome replacement For pain at the pump it's going to be a While before you can get a place to Charge your car all the time at the same Time Barbara greeson tells me she likes The idea of clean air our top priority Is to satisfy our customers today Ford

    Announced it lost three billion dollars Before taxes during the past two years In the model e unit that's the electric Vehicle unit as it invests heavily in New technology it expects to lose a Comparable amount this year and doesn't Expect to turn a profit until 2026 until Then part of their challenge is getting Consumers like those we talked to on Board to increase Revenue I spoke with Automotive expert John McElroy host of Auto line who says every single car Company in the world not just Ford is Losing money selling electric vehicles Well Ford expects to begin turning a Profit by the end of 2026 experts warn The division's decision to go all in is A tremendous risk that requires ongoing Support from the government total cost Of green manufacturing subsidies under The inflation Act is expected to exceed A trillion dollars Heritage Foundation Economist EJ and Tony he puts out that the Auto industry Is capital intensive and has high fixed Costs that need to be spread out over Thousands of units therefore it's not Uncommon to have steep losses initially Followed by profits however he Characterizes the decision to go all in As a tremendous risk requiring support From the government despite these risks CFO John Lawler describes Ford's Target Of profitability by the end of 2026 is

    Realistic in the context of the Company's aggressive cost cutting moves Ford expects the electric vehicle Division to begin turning a profit and Have an eight percent profit margin by 2026 according to Reuters Ford's electric vehicle division losses Are part of a larger pattern of Companies struggling to compete with Tesla and the electric vehicle Market While Tesla's Revenue increased by 74 Percent in the first quarter of 202 Other automakers including Ford and General Motors and reported losses or Lackluster sales in their electric Vehicle divisions Ford's electric vehicle division facing Severe losses with each electric vehicle Sold costing the company roughly sixty Thousand dollars as automakers like Ford Struggled to compete with Tesla and the Electric vehicle Market it's becoming Increasingly clear that going all in on Electric is a risk that May not pay off In the long run well Ford expects to Begin turning a profit experts warn the Division's Reliance on subsidies to stay Afloat is unsustainable the reality is That without massive government support It May not be financially viable for Automakers to produce electric vehicles At scale stay tuned for more news on This developing story and remember to Hit subscribe and enable notifications

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