British Zoo’s Hilarious Solution to Pesky Seagull Problem!

    British Zoo's Hilarious Solution to Pesky Seagull Problem!

    Are you tired of the same old boring Jobs Would you like to start fresh and on top Of it all Are you an animal lover well you might Be interested in this new adventurous Job opening at the English Zoo the black pool zoo in Lancashire England they're searching for A qualified employee and they've gone so Far as to troll former comedians for the Job stay tuned for this entertaining Story Subscribe right now and enable your Notifications to keep up with the latest Breaking news and entertainment stories Blackpool Zoo in Lancashire England has Been struggling to keep seagulls away From patrons especially when food is Involved in response the zoo is Advertised a new job opportunity it's Caught the attention of animal lovers And social media users alike the job Involves dressing up as an eagle and Scaring away the pesky seagulls the zoo Has received a lot of attention Including a tweet from James Corden who Was invited to apply for the position The job is sparked a debate on social Media with many questioning whether this Is a legitimate job or a publicity stunt The job advertisement posted on the Blackpool Zoo website was creating some Buzz on social media the zoo is seeking

    Up to five people to fill the seagull Deterrent position The job description requires candidates To be visitor focused friendly and Outgoing and to be comfortable wearing a Bird costume other essential skills Include being Lively energetic fun and Most importantly an excellent flapper The zoo has worn potential applicants That they will likely be approached by Zoo patrons who want to take photos with Them Reading about a new job opportunity at a Nearby Zoo a British broadcaster Couldn't keep a straight face you don't Want to miss this watch if you're an Animal lover and comfortable in a Costume the black pooled Zoo might have A job for you the animal sanctuary and Lancashire in England needs a seagull Deterrent to keep the birds away from Food visitors and other animals am I Really reading this And you can see there how they're asking You to do it dress up as a giant bird to Chase the pesky seagulls away they want They want higher up to five people for This job are you serious They even sent a tweet out to James Corden he hopes that his final episode Of The Late Late Show on Thursday so the Zoo says this new job really will suit Him Foreign

    Well some with no sense of humor and Adventure have criticized The Possession The zoo has defended it as a legitimate Job the zoo's attempt to find seagull Deterrence as structure debate about the Ethics of zoos and the Roland Society However it remains to be seen whether The position will be filled by the right Candidates but one thing is clear the Blackpool Zoo has captured the attention Of the world with his unusual job Advertisement and we hope some energetic Adult looking for work will find Employment with such a job it May not Appeal to everyone but it'll surely Pique someone's interest so until then Happy Hunting Blackpool Zoo Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report I'd Like to ask you a question are Widespread food shortages the next big Thing as far as I can tell it looks like It whenever I look around it seems like Everything is going to come crashing Down at any moment you're ready aren't You are you prepared with at least three Months worth of food stocked up in case Of an emergency well you can find new Lower prices for my Patriot Supply if You tap more below and go to where you'll find New lower prices from my Patriot Supply

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