Betrayal: Biden Nominee Supports Border Wall in Jordan

    Betrayal: Biden Nominee Supports Border Wall in Jordan

    Top news right now President Biden's Nominee for ambassador to Jordan Yale Lambert expressed her full support for American taxpayers Funding border Security measures in Jordan including a Request for 110 million in taxpayer Money lemper's support for using U.S Taxpayer dollars to fund border security Initiatives in Jordan is particularly Alarming giving the current crisis at The U.S Mexico border where hundreds of Thousands of illegal aliens are expected To cross every month once the buy Administration ends the public health Authority known as title 4. this move By the by Administration to prioritize Middle Eastern security measures over American border security isn't new in 2019 American taxpayers were forced to Fund millions in border security Measures in Pakistan Afghanistan and the Middle East stay tuned for more Information on this developing story Follow next news for more breaking news