Governor Youngkin Calls Out Teachers Union Lies on School Closures across America

    Governor Youngkin Calls Out Teachers Union Lies on School Closures across America

    As the pandemic ravaged the world the American populace had to make tough Decisions including how to ensure that Children continue to receive an Education unfortunately the American Federation of teachers president Randy Weingarten actively worked against the Reopening of school buildings and Virginia governor Glenn Younkin has been Keen to remind everyone of this terrible Betrayal the Damage Done by the forced Closure of schools will last for years With dire consequences for children's Mental health and academic achievement It's time for the truth to be heard Weingarten and the teachers union one of The schools closed and they must now be Held accountable for the terrible damage Imposed on America's youth Stay informed on this story and more Breaking news subscribe below and enable Notifications Amidst an ongoing debate over the effect That school closures had during the Pandemic Virginia governor Glenn Younkin Has openly criticized American Federation of teachers president Randy Weingarten for her alleged role in the Matter in a fox interview Fox Business Junkin went and went on an accused Weingarten and her Union of delaying School openings and according to Junkin Weingarten falsely claimed that the Union was trying to get schools open

    Despite clear evidence to the contrary Weingarten recently testified before the Select subcommittee on the coronavirus Pandemic to address her Union's role in Influencing public policy on school Lockdowns during her testimony she Argued that her Union worked hard to get Schools open Watch American Federation of teachers President Randy Weingarten is trying to Rewrite history last week you've got to Hear this here's what she said watch we Spent every day from February on Trying to get schools open we knew that Remote education was not a substitute For opening schools However critics like young can believe That the teachers union wanted the Schools closed and are now trying to Spin the situation to avoid blame watch Parents have a say about their children And and this is one of the top reasons Why Virginians of purple State came Together not just Republicans but Independents and Democrats and said we Don't like what's going on in our Schools and and for Randy Weingarten to Come out and say that they were trying To get schools open well let me tell you This this is counter to anything people Believe and in fact she was probably my My best support in getting elected Because they kept schools shut and and What we saw was what it did to Children

    Virginia's it is the absolute Quintessential case schools were schools Were shut all the way through until the Fall of the sept of September of 2021 Yeah and Virginia suffered the largest Learning loss in fourth grade reading And math in the country a 1-inch screen Is not a quality education parents know It they know the truth they cannot spin Their way out of this the Biden Administration went to them and who did They seek counsel from the teachers Union who doesn't pay attention to Students and parents they take care of Bureaucrats and politicians and so I Think this is going to continue to be One of the leading issues in our nation This is why this year in Virginia I am Confident that Virginians will again Stand up they're going to vote for Parents they're going to vote for Students and they're going to reject This re-spin of what we all know happen Which is the teachers union wanted the Schools closed According to Junkin weingarten's Assertion that they were trying to get Schools open is counter to what most People believe he argued that the Union's attempts to keep schools shut Meant that remote learning had a Devastating impact on children both Academically and mentally this seems to Be supported by data released by the

    National Center for Education statistics Which revealed that 70 percent of U.S Public Schools reported an increase in Students seeking Mental Health Services Since the start of the pandemic Furthermore a study by the conservative Think tank just facts shows that mental Stressors brought about by school Closures are set to destroy seven times More years of life than lockdowns saved In light of this it's worrying to note That math scores saw their largest Decreases ever in the aftermath of covid While reading scores drop to levels not Seen since 199 for fourth and 8th Graders across the country Given the data and evidence presented It's clear that school closures have had A significant impact on children's Education mental health and future Earnings potential While the reasons behind school closures Are complex and multifaceted it's vital To recognize the devastating impact that They had and work towards finding Solutions that prioritize the needs of Students The pandemic no doubt exposed the flaws And weaknesses inherent in America's Educational system particularly with Regards to the undue influence wielded By powerful teachers unions Randy Weingarten and the American Federation Of teachers should be ashamed of their

    Role in the closure of school buildings As they knowingly participated in an Action that will have long lasting Negative effects for the most vulnerable In our society It's a relief knowing that leaders like Governor Younkin step up and protect the Rights of children because the future of Our nation depends on it Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report you Know there's an epidemic of bad sleep in America an estimated 164 million Americans wake up tossing and turning at Night due to habits such as long work Hours caffeine and stress one study of Over 4 000 adults found that 27 percent Had trouble falling or staying asleep Most nights the problem of poor sleep May be one of the most ignored and Urgent issues of our time now this is a Product I've been using to improve my Sleep I've been using it for a few Months now and I absolutely love it a Great tasting alternative to taking a Handful of supplements on a daily basis This amazing pill contains seven Essential vitamins and minerals Recommended by industry experts after Starting it I've been able to wake up Feeling more energized and clear-headed Keeping my days super productive in

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