LOOK: White House PANICS when Confronted on Biden’s Bribery Scheme

    LOOK: White House PANICS when Confronted on Biden’s Bribery Scheme

    A potential bribery Scandal involving President Joe Biden has recently come to Light Republican senator Chuck Grassley And house oversight committee chairman James Comer have written a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray an attorney General Merrick Garland alleging that During Biden's time as vice president he Participated in a bribery scheme with a Foreign National whistleblowers come Forward with credible information about The arrangement which reportedly Involved money in exchange for U.S Policy changes the doj and FBI are said To possess a document outlining Biden's Involvement in the criminal scheme now As the Scandal unfolds the White House Is in pure panic mode Keep up with the latest news subscribe Below and enable notifications for Breaking updates on this story The latest bombshell to hit the biod Administration involves allegations of a Bribery scheme involving the president Himself Republican senator Chuck Grassley and house oversight committee Chairman James Comer have written a Letter to FBI director Christopher Ray And attorney general Merrick Garland Claiming that Joe Biden was involved in A criminal Enterprise with a foreign National during his time as vice President under the Obama Administration According to their letter a credible

    Whistleblower has come forward to expose These activities and has been afforded Legal protections the Department of Justice and FBI are currently in Possession of an alarming document known As the Fd-102 that allegedly outlines Joe Biden's involvement in this scheme The Whistleblower claims that Biden accepted Money in exchange for policy decisions Favoring this foreign National the house Oversight committee has received Information that suggests the Allegations in the fd-102 are very Serious and detailed this news has sent Shock waves through the political world But the by Administration has been Attempting to downplay the story when Asked about it during a briefing at the White House National Security Council Coordinator for strategic Communications John Kirby quickly referred all Questions to the Department of Justice And then actually left the briefing room It's clear that the bite Administration Is trying to sweep this Scandal under The rug watch John I I've got a question about uh House oversight committee supina that Was issued yesterday it's seeking an FBI Document from 2020 that uh quote Describes an alleged criminal scheme Involving then Vice President Biden and A foreign National relating to the

    Exchange of money for policy decisions Decisions uh what What's the White House's response to this serious Corruption allegation I'm gonna have to Refer you to the justice department on That I have nothing for you on that Today no do you know what this is what Country this pertains to what policy Decision I have nothing foreign justice Department and I'm getting the hook see Ya thank you oh yeah he was like I am Not going to stick around for any more Questions on that one they are terrified The American public deserves to know the Truth about Joe Biden's dealings with Foreign agents these allegations are Deeply troubling and if true would Represent a colossal breach of trust by The president of the United States it's Imperative that investigators get to the Bottom of this and bring the Perpetrators to Justice it's worth Noting that Joe Biden is a long history Of questionable dealings with foreign Powers during his time as vice president He oversaw a weak and ineffective Foreign policy that emboldened America's Enemies and put our national security at Risk he also had numerous business Dealings with foreign Nationals that Have raised serious ethical questions The American people deserve better than A president who is beholding the foreign Interests we need leaders who will put

    America First and work to secure our Nation's future the allegations against Joe Biden are deeply troubling and it's Time for the truth to come out The allegations against Joe Biden They're serious and the American people Deserve to know the truth the evidence Presented by this whistleblower and Outlined in the fd-102 document cannot Be ignored if it's revealed that Biden Engage in a bribery scheme for personal Gain Justice must be served the Department of Justice must conduct a Thorough investigation free from any Political interference to uncover the Truth It's not a matter of political party Affiliations but rather the Integrity of Our government and its leaders the Public demands transparency and Accountability and it's time for our Elected officials to deliver Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary Frenchy Thank you for watching that report if You started to notice that wrinkles Fine Lines bags under your eyes or other Typical signs of aging are appearing More and more frequently in her face Well it May not be the result of the Stress of the New Year the presence of Wrinkles and other signs of aging are Some of the most reliable indicators

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