Fleeing the Democrat Wasteland: Another Celebrity Leads the Exodus From California

    Fleeing the Democrat Wasteland: Another Celebrity Leads the Exodus From California

    It seems that Democrat policies have Finally pushed Scott Baio known for Playing Chachi on the sitcom happy days To his limit after living in the Socialist Utopia of California for over Four decades the actor has decided he's Had enough the state's skyrocketing Homelessness and rampant crime have made It clear to bail that California is no Longer a safe place and he's not alone Other celebrities including Katy Perry And Matthew McConaughey have also voiced Their concerns about raising children in The Golden State perhaps it's time for California leaders to listen to her Citizens and reconsider their Destructive policies now let's dive in And explore what pushed Bao to his Breaking Point Stay informed on the disastrous effects Of democrat policies in California and Across the Nation tap subscribe and Enable notifications to keep up with the Latest news California the ones golden state has Experienced a decline in safety and has Become a playground for those who Advocate for Democrat policies the Appalling condition of the state has Left many citizens scrambling for a way Out and celebrities are no exception Actor Scott Baio recently spoke out About his dissatisfaction with the Constant destruction of California

    Adding that it's not a safe place Anymore Bale a longtime resident of Los Angeles who has lived in the state for More than four decades has finally Decided to leave for the sake of his Safety and his well-being in a tweet That garnered attention he mentioned That he's making his way to finally exit Stage right from California after Enduring the horrific conditions brought About by the left in addition a report By KTLA 5 revealed a disturbing Statistic that an estimated 69 thousand People are experiencing homelessness in LA county with 41 000 in the city as of 202 The streets are littered with tents Human waste and needles a disheartening Site that has caused property values to Plummet as Bale further pointed out the Crime rate has reached an all-time high And there appear to be no consequences For rampant criminality lawlessness has Become the norm in California leading to An increase in prices for basic Necessities for hard-working citizens The state is no longer a Haven for the Safety and comfort of its inhabitants The decision to leave echo's similar Sentiments from other celebrities such As Katy Perry Matthew McConaughey and Joe Rogan who likewise chose to remove Their children from the state in search Of greener pastures it's time for

    Politicians to listen to their citizens And start putting Safety and Security First otherwise California will continue To lose its brightest stars and most Productive citizens California root problem is the Implementation of democrat policies that Have dismantled the state Democrats Welfare state has only served to attract Millions of people to the state without Any promise of a better life It's only like the backlog of social Ills and caused Progressive ruin the Policies and ideologies implemented by Democrats have systematically destroyed The once brilliant state If things don't change more people Especially those who value their safety And well-being willfully the once great State of California because California Has become a perfect example of how Shameful incompetence and lack of Accountability can ruin a vibrant and Spirited state Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report the News is Relentless isn't it we can't Even comprehend at all let alone figure Out how it affects our finances a Majority of the time we might make Disastrous mistakes if we don't stay one Step ahead but we can save ourselves

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