Law Enforcement Overwhelmed as ‘Sanctuary City’ Chicago Struggles with Influx of Migrants

    Law Enforcement Overwhelmed as ‘Sanctuary City’ Chicago Struggles with Influx of Migrants

    Got some absolutely shocking news for You right now Chicago police stations Have recently transformed into homeless Shelters for released illegal aliens Who've made their way to the city due to The overwhelming influx of people at the U.S Mexico border with pictures Circulating on social media showing the Lobbies of these stations filled with People sleeping on the ground tensions Are rising as police officers link the Lack of space to the growing number of People who are successfully making it Across the border and into the U.S Despite Democrats Sympathy for the Plight of these illegals the lack of a Long-term solution to their housing and Medical needs remains a concern for many Stay informed and the ongoing crisis in Chicago caused by Biden's open border Policy tap subscribe below and enable Notifications for breaking news and Updates Chicago police stations are now being Repurposed into homeless shelters for Processed and released illegal aliens Due to the overwhelming influx of Border Crossers pictures on social media Showcase police station lobbies filled With so-called migrants sleeping on cots Or the hard floor watch And there's about And there's about 3 migrants here at The police station in the 24th district

    Sleeping on the floor and it is packed In there but we're hearing that they May Be moved soon Tanya and Terrell the feed Field house over at Leon park on the North side is currently full but we're Told the migrants already there maybe Moved soon to a permanent shelter though Staying here at the police station will Be moved in there sometime today also Happening tonight a meeting about Another possible migrant shelter in the City at the Old South Shore High School Thousands of Asylum Seekers have come to Chicago from the Texas border we're Expecting thousands more May your life With access the city is running out of Room and resources to house them she Even wrote a letter to Governor Greg Abbott about the issue donations are Pouring in but again they have no place To actually stay or live so they're Sleeping inside of police stations and Other public spaces that absolutely Horrific These shocking images highlight the dire Situation You can see him right here look at this On Twitter Chicago police scanner Paige Wrote it's easy to declare Sanctuary Status but much harder to actually be a Sanctuary Fox News correspondent Matt Finn released information that police Officers are sympathizing with the Illegal immigrants but having them

    Reside in police stations is not a Long-term solution with the increasing Number of migrants entering Chicago law Enforcement officials are overwhelmed And struggling You know what else is totally ironic About this these are illegal Aliens and where are they going They're finding refuge in a police Station Okay if they walk into the police Station they should be arrested and Deported not given sanctuary They stayed here uh Finn added that Police sources say the migrants are Often sick and vomiting one ranking Police Source tells Fox he says I walk Past human feces on the way to work Sounds like San Francisco Meanwhile outgoing Democrat mayor Lori Lightfoot has requested Republican Governor of Texas governor Abbott to Stop busting migrants to the windy city That's ironic because the funds are Available at the federal level with ice And all she has to do is allow them to Come in and fix the situation but she Will not Despite this these urgent pleas Governor Abbott responded that the only solution To this increasingly severe problem is That for the president of the United States Democrat Joe Biden to reverse his Catastrophic open border policy which

    Has led to this very situation The influx of illegal immigrants is a Direct result of Biden's decision to Revoke the stringent immigration Policies implemented by Donald Trump's Administration the hospitality of Sanctuary cities like Chicago has Further fueled the crisis attracting Even more illegal immigrants to the area This has created even more of a drain on The already exhausted resources of the Police and other critical services The situation in Chicago is just one Example of the disastrous consequences Of President Biden's open border Policies while the mainstream media Tries to paint a picture of compassion Towards migrants the reality is that This humanitarian crisis is putting a Tremendous strain on local communities And law enforcement agencies as proven By mayor lightfoot's letter to Governor Abbott Democrats are starting to realize That they cannot handle the influx of Migrants on their own It's time for President Biden and his Administration to take responsibility For their actions and address this Crisis in a meaningful way before more American cities are forced to turn their Police stations into makeshift homeless Shelters Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network

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