AOC & NYC Mayor DUKE It Out over Jordan Neely Death

    AOC & NYC Mayor DUKE It Out over Jordan Neely Death

    So I want to talk about what's going on In New York because we might have the Next George Floyd event on our hands This is Jordan Neely so uh protesters Are taking the streets of New York City Today to protest the death of Jordan Neely this was a quite mentally unstable Homeless man apparently he was acting Erratically and aggressively in a subway Train screaming at all of the passengers And a marine veteran aboard attempted to Subdue him while waiting for the police To arrive the unnamed passenger placed Him in a choke hold while other Passengers held his legs and uh look There's already chance downtown and Black lives matter the homeless matter Spokesman for NYPD told Newsweek that Neely has a record that includes 4 Prior arrests between 201 and 2021 Including an active warrant for an Assault at the time of his death related To a 2021 incident I want to go to aoc's Reaction of course this is New York so AOC has to inject herself into the Conversation by saying Jordan Neely was Murdered but because Jordan was Houseless and crying for food in a time When the city is Raising rents and Stripping services to militarize itself While many in power demonize the poor The murderer gets protected with passive Headlines and no charges it's disgusting Well New York city mayor Eric Adams was

    Asked about Aoc's remark and I want to play for you What he had to say he didn't was not a Fan of it I'll tell you that much watch So one of the reasons that this uh story Is really hitting a nerve is because This man appeared to be having mental Health issues this is something that You've talked a lot about but I want to Read to you this is a response from the Comptroller Brad Lander he tweeted this New York City is not Gotham we must not Become a city where mentally ill human Can be choked to death by a vigilante Without consequence there's also this From Alexandria ocasio-cortez the Democratic congresswoman she said Jordan Neely was murdered what is your response To what they're saying here well both The Congress congresswoman and uh the Controller of the controller is a Citywide leader and I don't think that's Very responsible at the time where we're Still investigating the situation let's Let the D.A conduct his investigation With the law enforcement officials uh to Really interfere fear with that is not The right thing to do and I'm going to Be responsible and allow them to do Their job and allow them to determine Exactly what happened here So you have a black man Who was saying let's calm down let's Let's wait for the facts to come out

    Let's be responsible and aoc's hollering About uh Jordan Neely was murdered yeah She's trying to get ahead of it right She's trying to be the one of the Persons on the Forefront they're Screaming out for justice yeah that's The world responsible for all the Looting and all of the cars being burned And all the next steps that we're going To see you know to listen to Listen to She's on their side right uh you know to Listen to Eric Adams talk over the last Months New York's great it's wonderful It's it's the best it's ever been right I mean he's talked about how Uh you know the only thing wrong with it Is all these illegals are coming in here Now we don't know what to do with them But this is a sad situation in that you Know obviously there's a loss of life But you act crazy on the subway you ask Any New Yorker that takes the Subway on A regular basis you're afraid to make Eye contact with certain people on there Because you don't know what's about to Pop off right now again what are you Going to ban there was no gun involved Right so there's no let's repeal let's Let's have gun control here uh this guy You know he acts in self-defense or he Acts in you know it's some kind of a way To defensive offensive other passengers You don't know everything that happened I mean there's always somebody there

    With a cell phone camera to shoot it but I I hope you know this guy had a rap Sheet I think like 44 different charges Against him and but so did George Floyd And we saw what happened there the only Advantage this former Marine which There's no such thing as a former Marine The only thing this Marine has in his Favor is he's not wearing a cop uniform Yeah that's that's true it's also Fascinating yaku to see AOC Demonize the city's policies because These seem to be all of the same Policies that she herself advocates for So she's talking about oh you know There's he's food insecure or whatever The hell she wants to say it's like That's that's because of all of the Policies you love 100 you created a Poverty class that didn't exist you Created lawlessness they're not Militarizing New York okay I wasn't on This show Tuesday because I was in Times Square Tuesday and Tuesday night I'm Standing in Times Square went there to Go beyond Newsmax and they are literally Getting high on the street everywhere Chad I'm talking I've never seen Anything like that in my life even the People that were with me commented on Every corner blight sitting five feet From the cops they're getting high like Seriously and this is a city that's Lawless remember this mayor told us New

    York has a brand this is the guy that Said New York has a brand you know and You can't come against the brand well The brand is bad because AOC destroyed New York people like her it's Interesting now that he's taking a Stance I like where he's standing on This can the da just look into this what Do you want him to do the guy stabs Someone on the train and then it's okay Then you know what someone should have Done something now you have a marine That steps in with the training that He's got he's not punching him he's not You know belittling him he's subduing Him with a rare naked choke hold which Is a pretty good tactic to subdue Someone with right and and so would go So what do we do as Americans but you're In a box moving 40 miles an hour With a crazy person would they let out In the first place 40 something times And his last one was an assault So he has assaulted somebody George Floyd stabbed a woman in the stomach Right so what do you do you defend People that's what you do so the Marine Did what he was supposed to do no I Don't want the guy to lose his life Right but you got to take action put Your phone down and and Settle the situation and that's what They did and it wasn't alone others Agreed that you could see they helped

    The Marine right this guy was out of Control yeah so I mean what do you want Americans to do if you like that clip There is plenty more where that came From click the link in the description Below to subscribe to the news and why It matters YouTube channel to watch the Full episode