Border Towns Declare State of Emergency as Title 42 Lifts

    Border Towns Declare State of Emergency as Title 42 Lifts

    The southern border is in chaos as Border towns are being overrun by Illegal immigrants putting American Citizens at risk with title 4 set to be Lifted on May 11th we are on the brink Of a massive crisis the Biden Administration's failed policies have Caused chaos and the upheaval at the Border and this policy change will only Make things worse the situation is Unsustainable and we must demand that Our leaders take immediate action to Secure our borders and protect our Communities don't forget to stay Informed on this developing Story by Tapping subscribe below and enabling Your notifications my name is Elijah Shafer and Border towns along the U.S Mexico border have declared states of Emergency ahead of title 4 being lifted On May 11th As Cities brace for a Significant increase in illegal Crossings El Paso mayor Oscar lesser Implemented the State of Emergency on Monday stating that the city will have To stand up makeshift shelters and Possibly provide buses for processed Migrants to allow them to continue to Their final destination the City of Laredo has also declared a state of Emergency that will last for seven days Unless renewed by the city all along the Southern border border towns are Struggling to cope with the influx of

    Illegal immigrants El Paso Mara esker Oscar lesser has already implemented a State of emergency stating that the city Will have to stand up makeshift shelters And possibly provide buses for processed Migrants to allow them to continue to Their final destination take a look Yeah well as you can see Sam there's Already hundreds of migrants Congregating here outside of Sacred Heart Church in downtown El Paso now This comes before the expected lifting Of title 4. last week City officials Said that they're expecting an Unprecedented number of migrants once That federal law is lifted something They say will partially be due to Misinformation As we talked to some of these Asylum Seekers they're waiting for May 11th May 11th I believe will be the day that they Become without any documentation they Can come into the United States and Continue to move on into their path into Their their next destination which is One of which is really one of the Furthest things from really what's going To happen Lisa is declaring the state of emergency In El Paso affected tomorrow at 1201 a.m He says that's being done in preparation So that the city can start setting up Shelters he also says Asylum Seekers Should only be staying within those

    Shelters between one to two days Sometimes 7 hours The City of Laredo has also declared a State of emergency that will last for Seven days unless renewed by the city Down in Brownsville in the Rio Grande Valley the city has seen a significant Increase of illegal Crossings recently Brownsville May declare a state of Emergency in the coming days and it is Expected up to 10 000 illegal immigrants Could cross a day once title 4 is no Longer in effect this policy changes a Direct result of the Biden Administration's Reckless immigration Policies that have caused chaos and Upheaval at the border check out this Video of the border near Brownsville Texas take a look Foreign The influx of illegal immigrants is Putting a massive strain on local Resources and border patrol is Overwhelmed the situation is Unsustainable and it's putting American Citizens at risk the bite Administration's approach to immigration Has been disastrous and this policy Change will only make things worse by Lifting title 4 the administration is Essentially inviting more illegal Immigrants to cross the border further Straining our resources and putting the Safety and Security of American citizens

    In Jeopardy the Christ at the border Must be addressed immediately and the Biden Administration must take Responsibility for its failed policies We cannot allow our communities to be Overrun by illegal immigrants and we Must ensure that our borders are secure The Safety and Security of American Citizens should be the top priority and We must demand that our leaders take Action to protect our communities The situation at the southern border is Escalating rapidly is title 4 is lifted Border towns are declaring state of Emergency and up to 10 000 illegal Immigrants could cross the border each Day this crisis is a direct result to The Biden administration's Reckless Immigration policies putting the Safety And Security of American citizens at Risk it is imperative that we demand Immediate action to secure our borders And protect our communities stay tuned To the next news for the latest updates On this developing story let's continue This conversation in the comments below For the next News Network I'm Elijah Shafer have a good night Thank you for watching that report using Ad blockers while browsing the web is Now recommended by the FBI in a new Report it's revealed that an identity Theft occurs every 2 seconds the risks Of identity fraud data breaches account

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