Mayor Adams’ Controversial Plan to Combat Grand Theft Auto Unveiled

    Mayor Adams' Controversial Plan to Combat Grand Theft Auto Unveiled

    New York City is on the brink of Anarchy As carthav soars to unprecedented levels Criminals are targeting Kias in Hyundai Citywide using vehicle defect to start The cars the hardware screwdriver and a USB port Mayor Eric Adams has turned to a Controversial solution and blames the Problem on everything other than his Crime policies Don't forget to keep up with the latest News tap subscribe below enable Notifications and make sure that you Follow our reports I'm Elijah Shafer and The NYPD has started Distributing Apple Air tags to Residents in certain New York City neighborhoods to help tackle Growing problem of grand larcenyatto the Devices are being handed out to owners Of Kia and Hyundai vehicles and Neighborhoods where these models have Increasingly targeted by car thieves With thefts of these specific cars up by 548 percent in some areas the police Hope that the technology will help in Recovering stolen vehicles however Concerns have been raised about privacy With the policies stating that they will Not have access to the tracking Information released to the are related To the air tags the rise of grand Larceny Auto has become a significant Issue for NYPD with car thefts Increasing by 20 in 202 and expected to

    Rise further in 202. according to the Police the issue is particularly acute In certain neighborhoods where Kia and Hyundai vehicles are being targeted in Response NYPD has partnered with the Association for a better New York to Distribute Apple Air tags to owners of These specific Vehicles the same thing Happened to a woman in Jacksonville Launch The social media Trend where people are Stealing Kias and Hyundai's continue to Go viral two years later people are Breaking into these cars by taking apart The ignition and starting the car with a USB charger Porsha Minton says she was a Victim of this trend a few weeks ago my Mom woke up she was like Porsche your Car isn't outside and I'm like what it's Not outside I ran outside and I was just Like I was looking where I parked I'm Like okay is this a prank and it wasn't About 1 hours later went by before she Got a call from the police telling her That they found her car when I found my Vehicle it was in the way back side of The apartments so it was like my windows Were down all my windows were down and Nobody was like to do now it would not Start Um the display and everything would come On but it just would not start Minton Says they smashed her window to break Into the car and took out the ignition

    Do you know how they what they use to Start the car so they took this core Right here and then they just Twisted it All the way Where it would start The air tags which are small devices That can be attached to a key ring or Placed inside a vehicle use Bluetooth Technology to help locate a missing item The police hope that the air tags will Make it easier to track down stolen Vehicles and apprehend the thieves However there are concerns about privacy With some people worried that the police Will have access to their personal data Through the devices to Alley these fears The police have stated that they will Not have access to the tracking Information related to the air tags that Are distributed instead the owner of the Vehicles will be able to use their phone To track the device and locate their Stolen car the air tags will only emit a Signal when they are within a range of The owner's phone which means that they Will not only be constantly broadcasting Their location the rise of Grand Theft Auto has been attributed to a variety of Factors including the growing popularity Of social media apps such as Tick Tock Mayor Eric Adams has highlighted the Role of tick tock and promoting the Theft of cars with videos circulating on The app showing people how to steal a

    Vehicle the problem has been Particularly acute in other cities such As Washington DC where Grand Theft Auto Has also been on the rise here's mayor Adams as he advertises brilliant new Promotion take a look Excavating number of grand larceny order Continues to drive up all crime in the City and it give it gives the false Sense that we're not moving in the right Directions when we are so we're calling On New Yorkers to participate of your Greatest investment is your automobile Is used for many different reasons to Get to and from your place of employment To drop your children off every day to Deal with any medical procedures you May Have using public transportations that Are are always uh the alternative for so Many people This is a partnership we can do together I like to say a three-way partnership Number one by empowering everyday New Yorkers with a simple device As an ad tag of using technology you Hear me say it over and over again using Technology to fight crime protect people Save property is a direction this Administration and this Police Department is going in this simple Device is simple air tag uh hidden in a Car a location that a person is not Aware of is an excellent tracking device It's easy to monitor the New York City

    Police Department is going to be putting Out a video to explain the use of it It's very simple the charging life lasts A long time and you can see in real time Where that vehicle is located The nypd's distribution of Apple Air Tags to combat Grand Auto larceny is Another Band-Aid measure that will not Solve the bigger problem also knowing What the government is capable of the Chances of them not tracking people's Vehicles with this new partnership are Slim to none if people want the issue to Be fixed they must demand criminals be Held accountable when caught and be made An example for other criminals let's Continue this conversation the comments Below for the next News Network I'm Elijah Shafer have a good night Thank you for watching that report There's no stopping the my pillow Maven Mike Lindell who will not be deterred by Liberal lies he's been at the Forefront Of the fight for Truth for years while Making sure that Americans remain Comfortable while they sleep the next News network is now partnering with him In order to provide you with the best Sleep of your life the patented Interlocking fill part of my pillow is Designed to adapt to your individual Sleeping position regardless of whether You're lying on your back your side or Your stomach as a result the Innovative

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