Historic Senate Race Brewing in Maryland with Senator’s Retirement

    Historic Senate Race Brewing in Maryland with Senator’s Retirement

    Senator Ben cardin's announcement that He won't seek re-election in 2024 has Sent shockwaves through Maryland leaving His senate seat wide open and Paving the Way for a highly competitive Democratic Primary this race has been closely Watched not only in Maryland but across The country as it could lead to a shift In the state's political landscape and Potentially impact the balance of power In the Senate the retirement of such a Longtime public servant and advocate for Numerous issues has left marylanders and Political Watchers alike wondering who Will fill his shoes stay tuned to the Next news for more on this developing Story Keep up with the latest news on this and Other Stories by tapping subscribe below To enable your notifications my name is Elijah Shafer Maryland Senator Ben Cardin has announced that he will not Seek re-election in 2024 Paving the way For a highly competitive Democratic Primary to fill his seat the 79-year-old Senator has spent decades in public Service first winning office in 1966 and Serving in both the house delegates and The House of Representatives before Being elected to the senate in 2006. While Maryland is a traditionally Blue State cardin's retirement could lead to A multiple Open House Seats and could be A signal of trouble for the Democratic

    Party Garden has been a champion for numerous Issues during his time in Senate Including human rights the paycheck Protection Program and legislation Expanding Medicare coverage take a look Having control over my own calendar and Then secondly it's an eight-year Decision and uh I want to make the Decision when I can make that decision And I think this is the right time Maryland senior senator speaking about His career while presenting a check to The Pleasant View historical Association In North Potomac alongside Senator Chris Van Hollen and Congressman David trone Whose name has been mentioned as a Potential to take carden's seat the Congressman wouldn't say much today Though uh we'll have more to say over The next couple days and next couple Weeks and we'll be happy to address that But man I'm here today Ben card man wow What a history what a career other names That have floated around Prince George's County Executive Angela also Brooks U.S Representative Jamie Raskin and Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olchewski Senator Cardin confident that Whoever gets elected to his seat in 2024 Will be someone who is selfless and Works well with the rest of Maryland's Lawmakers I take a lot of pride in team Maryland we work together as a team

    Senator Van Hollen and I have worked Seamlessly together with all the members Of personal delegation that pays off big Dividends for the people of Maryland We've been able to get a lot more done For the Chesapeake Bay for local Communities so I hope that whoever fills My seat will recognize the value of that Individual's personal efforts but also Work together as a team to get things Done for our state His retirement will spark a fierce Battle among potential Democratic Candidates who could fill his seat Including Prince George's County Executive Angela also Brooks Representative David trone Representative John sarbanes Representative Jamie reskin and Montgomery County councilman will Jawando if also Brooks were to run and Win she would also become Maryland's First black senator and the third black Woman ever elected to the Senate Carter's retirement also means that the State will see historic Senate race Brewing Despite Maryland being a traditionally Blue State Republicans are hoping to Make gains in the race to replace Carden Which could lead to a shift in the State's political landscape there have Only been three open Senate seats in Maryland in the last 70 years marking

    This race highly contested and closely Watched many of cardin's potential Replacements have already sung his Praise with representative Jamie Raskin Thanking him for his outstanding and Continued contributions to the state Representative David Troon also tweeted That Cardin gets things done for people And that he has done he has been a Champion for working people bringing Jobs to Maryland especially undeserved Communities whose voices don't often Reach the halls of power carden's Retirement comes at a time when Democrats are facing an uphill climb to Hold on to control of the senate in next Year's elections however despite the Uncertainty of the political landscape It is likely that cardin's seat will Remain in the Democratic Camp during his Time in the Senate card and helped craft The magnitsky ACT which allowed the U.S To sanction Russia and individuals for Human rights abuses he also played a Role in creating legislation to provide Loans for small businesses during the Coronavirus pandemic carton was also Recently tapped by Senate minority Leader Chuck Schumer to temporarily Replace Senator Dianne Feinstein on the Senate Judiciary Committee however Republicans blocked the move in an Effort to prevent the confirmation of Biden judicial nominees Feinstein has

    Been away from the wash from Washington As she recovers from shingles Maryland Senator Ben cardin's retirement has Opened up a highly competitive Democratic primary to fill a seat with Potential Replacements including Angela Also Brooks David trone John sarbanes Jamie Raskin and will jawando as Republicans eye on opportunity to make Gains in the traditionally Blue State Marylanders and political Watchers alike Are eagerly anticipating the outcome of This race With the balance of power and the Senate At stake the result of this election Could shape the political landscape of The country for years to come stay tuned To the next news as we continue to Provide in-depth coverage of this and Other critical stories affecting our Nation let's continue this conversation In the comments below for the next News Network I'm Elijah Shafer have a good Night Thank you for watching that report I'd Like to ask you a question are Widespread food shortages the next big Thing as far as I can tell it looks like It whenever I look around it seems like Everything is going to come crashing Down at any moment you're ready aren't You are you prepared with at least three Months worth of food stocked up in case Of an emergency well you can find new

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