Panic grips Democrats as Trump’s 2024 victory looms large!

    Panic grips Democrats  as Trump's 2024 victory looms large!

    The fate of America hangs in the balance As the possibility of another Trump Presidency looms large on the horizon New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman Has issued a dire warning to the nation With his latest meltdown while appearing On thankfully never watched CNN thanks For watching Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker filling in from my YouTube Ivory Hecker stay informed Tap subscribe below and enable your Notifications Before I get to that wrinkles Fine Lines Bags under your eyes or just other usual Signs of aging maybe more than just Stress within a year there's a Possibility that your collagen levels Are low after taking collagen powder for Just one week I've noticed a significant Reduction in wrinkles and Fine Lines by Visiting or clicking More underneath the video you can get a Bag for 51 off plus several free bonuses For their New Year's sale now back to The news the possibility of Donald Trump Returning to the White House in 2024 has Sent shock waves through the American Political establishment Thomas Friedman's comments reflect a growing Sense of anxiety among Democrats and Moderate Republicans who fear that that Trump could once again undermine the Democratic institutions of the country Friedman argued that a trump Victory

    Would be a disaster for the United States and that he must be prevented From returning to power at all costs Watch what the unhinged lunatic had to Say on CNN Matters you are very much for the Re-election of President Joe Biden in Fact that's what prompted you to write This piece in part Well Michael first of all thanks for Having me yes the the real point of my Piece was that there are in my view We're at a critical juncture and three Things cannot happen Israel cannot turn Into Hungary an authoritarian democracy Uh Putin cannot um uh win in Ukraine Ukraine cannot go Putin and Donald J Trump must never ever ever ever ever Ever ever ever ever Be back in the white house so that is my Priority and that is my focus and so What I'm asking is what is the best Democratic ticket to win that election And to me the ticket you need is one That appeals to the very forces that Enabled Democrats to do so well in the Midterms which were moderates Independents who looked at Trump looked At his agenda and particularly the Election denialism and voted against Virtually every election denier in that Election this is going to be a selection If it's Trump versus Biden and we need The center uh we need the moderate and

    Independence and white working class to Come out for Biden in enough numbers That he can win this is code red Foreign Argues that the key to preventing a Trump Victory is to ensure that the Democrats feel as strong and United Ticket in 2024 he believes that the Party needs to appeal to moderate and Independent voters as well as the white Working class this will require a Candidate who can unify the party and Articulate a Clear Vision for the future Of the country in addition to the Political implications of a trump Victory the colonists claims there are Also concerns about the former President's character and behavior Friedman points out that Trump was Impeached twice during his first term And that he was widely criticized for His handling of the pandemic his return To power would likely result in a Continuation of his divisive and Polarizing style of politics according To Friedman which many Americans find Deeply troubling he says finally a trump Re-election could mean Trump's second Term in quote-unquote Unchained it is Quote unquote Unchained Friedman warned Quote with they vengeful Trump back in The White House effectively pardoned for His many attacks on our Democratic Institutions and his assaults on the

    Integrity of our elections would never Be the same Trump would be Unchained and Utterly chilling an utterly chilling Thought he said The only thing the New York Times Columnist is right about is how critical The next election is and the outcome Will have far-reaching consequences for The country's future Clearly none of the reasons that he has Named are valid because voters have been Able to compare Trump's presidency to Biden's authoritarian regime Biden Became everything they predicted Trump Would become unless the American people Want to kiss the America we still Remember goodbye they know who not to Vote for in 2024. let's continue this Conversation in the comments below let Me know your thoughts for Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker Thank you for watching that report if You started to notice that wrinkles Fine Lines bags under your eyes or other Typical signs of aging are appearing More and more frequently in her face Well it May not be the result of the Stress of the New Year the presence of Wrinkles and other signs of aging are Some of the most reliable indicators That your collagen levels are low by Using this multi-collagen powder which I Love to use you'll be able to experience The healthy aging effects of collagen

    That it has on your skin as a result of Taking this for a week I've noticed a Significant reduction in the appearance Of wrinkles and fine lines on my face I'm very pleased with the results that I've seen it's had an amazing effect on Me and I want you to experience the same Go to to get a bag For 51 off plus several free bonuses Before their new year sale ends you can Find the link for Under the video or you can click the Word more at the bottom to find the link And get ready to look your best this Brand new year at We'll see you at the next report for the Next News Network I'm Gary franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please please share This report and to get more videos like This become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for Watching the next News Network Foreign