LIAR: Karine Jean-Pierre Claims Border Crossings Down 90%!

    LIAR: Karine Jean-Pierre Claims Border Crossings Down 90%!

    Today the Biden regime approved the Decision to send 1500 active duty United States troops to the southern Border in Anticipation of title 4 ending next Week which is of course the covet era Rule that limits the amount of illegal Immigrants processed into the country Now these troops will serve in mostly Administrative and transport roles to Help free up border patrol and local law Enforcement in preparation for the Growing group of migrants to come now Just how big is this group of migrants According to representative Andy Biggs Of Arizona the group already amasses Nearly 1 million migrants who intend to Flood the Border as part of a Mexican Drug cartel operation watch I just got Off the phone with a County Supervisor From my state sits right on the border They just had a briefing with the sector Chiefs from San Diego through Yuma to Tucson and they are told that there's Between 700 000 and a million people Massing South of the Border that went Title 4 goes away the Cardinals have Planned to overwhelm the system and so What's going to happen there Steve is What they're anticipating they do not Have enough resources to keep them in The detention and processing facilities They don't have enough personnel and and So when those facilities get full what's Going to happen and this is this is real

    Because we've seen things like this in The past Under this Administration they're going To just take pictures they're not even Going to do full-on Um processing they're going to take Pictures if we're lucky fingerprints Probably not even that and then they're Going to release them right in to the Local communities along the border Wonderful but many illegal immigrants Aren't waiting until May 11th and why Would they despite Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro mayorkas claiming The border is closed the border is Secure border patrol Chief Raul Ortiz Tweeted out yesterday in the past 7 Hours they had had 2 220 apprehensions 806 pounds of methamphetamine 28 pounds Of marijuana 6 pounds of cocaine two Sex offenders one murderer and one gang Member all in just three days And although 2 000 apprehensions May Sound like a lot and it is that number Likely pales in comparison to the Immigrants who were not apprehended and Processed at the border who just snuck Right on through the streets of El Paso Texas look like a third world country Already with illegal immigrants setting Up homeless camps and packed in like Sardines sleeping in the streets Draining the city's already spread thin Resources no this is not El Salvador or

    Honduras or another third world country You are seeing right now this is here in America and coming very soon to a city Near you now call me crazy but if the Border was already secure as our Officials have told us over and over and Over again why would we need additional Troops to help secure it and if the Border was already secure how were all These people getting in and if the Border was already secure then how did That man in Cleveland Texas who just Shot and killed an entire family get Deported and crossed back into America At least five times of course any Reasonable person understands that the Border is not secure and has has not Been secure since day one of the Biden Regime we are run by a bunch of liars And criminals and the American citizens Are going to see the very real and Devastating consequences of an open Border for generations to come it will Not be pleasant here to discuss this and More we have super Gear host of students America and Pat gray host of Pat gray Unleashed no don't check your calendars It's not Thursday it is Tuesday or did We just have patents due day on a Different day this week This is you know it's fascinating Because You feel like we've been in a border Crisis for a very long time now and the

    Biden Administration has refused to Acknowledge it how bad must it be for Them to be like all right I guess we're Sending 1500 troops really really bad And they know it's really really bad and They realize this is the type of thing They have no ability to control and it's You know devastating it's going to be Devastating to that area and really the Whole country I mean you mentioned the Person in Cleveland Texas who want to Murdering this family execution Style Just the other day and you know every Report said the same thing that he's Been deported five times and that is not A sentence that should ever be spoken if You're deported one time and you come Back in you don't get another chance to Be deported again you get thrown in Prison and you remain there for a very Long time at the very least it is but Unfortunately our policy is we just keep Releasing these people they keep coming Across and like you know this whole Debate about the the local issue here Was about you know Democrats wanted to Make it about guns but if you're not Guarding the Border like this person Could have just walked across with an AR-15 from Mexico and no one would have Noticed what good would it have done if We got all the guns here off the streets If you're going to leave the Border open Let people walk across with guns of

    Their own it creates so many problems It's devastated so many families it does A lot of damage to the economy it's it's And it just you know sends the signals To the rest of the world it's a lawless Nation and if that's the what we want to Project to the rest of the world this is A great path to do it this title 4 Going away is the thing we've been Talking about and waiting for since Joe Biden became president you know I to his Credit question mark he left it in place Without getting it off the books Immediately but we knew this day was Coming everybody on his Left Flank has Been saying that he has to do it and now He's going to do it and you know Honestly it's gonna it's going to be Something I think we've never seen Before I mean we've seen border crisis Before we've seen we've seen that happen Many many times and honestly we've been I would argue in an ongoing crisis for The past you know couple of years here This is a whole new level and this is Not something that we're used to taking Care of and we certainly have no ability To actually handle it I mean just to put In perspective We with title 4 still in in place we Are already they are they're like record Number of apprehensions of godaways of All of these numbers record numbers Every single month from what I've seen I

    Can't remember a month where they Haven't gone well this is a new record Well this is a new record it just gets More and more and more that's before Title 4 is even expired it's just gonna Get worse and yet yesterday uh Kareem Jean-Pierre said that they had reduced Illegal crossings by 90 no she didn't Yeah absolutely did 90 percent that's how good the Biden Administration has been the last few Years I mean can you are you sure this Is her is this or this is her from St Patrick's Day I think it was this is the Clip from her where she said that was on St Patrick's Day it was on St Patrick Yeah because if you look at the video You can see I think okay right oh yeah The green yeah very nice green with the Weird very nice weird kind Very odd combo I've never repeated an Outfit but she should definitely not Repeat this one this is the one we're Asking or please don't repeat uh okay so Control room says that they have that Clip that you're referencing Pat let's Watch he has tools that he's used to to Make sure that we do this we actually Deal with the immigration system in a Humane way uh in a in a way that is uh That actually deals with what we're Seeing at the border and that's why You've seen the parolee program be so Successful it has it has it has uh when

    It comes to Illegal migration you've Seen it come down by more than 90 Percent and that's because of this the Actions that this president has taken More so at least 91 it's a lot that's a Lot and here we are being heard a lot of Women every single person stopped no That's not gonna happen first of all yes Okay yes that's what we want but yeah That's amazing I mean that has there Ever been a a more out of touch Statistic uttered I mean we've had a lot Of presidents that say a lot of things a Lot of spokespeople will say a lot of Stuff I don't know that's incredible We're in the exact opposite position She's saying it's down 90 like it's up Every single month it's a record every Month and she says it's down 90 I've Never seen the footage from El Paso have You have you seen that before no that is Astounding it looks like you look good You said it looks like El Salvador El Salvador's doing much better than that Oh yeah that's better than that right Now I mean truly Um and you know look at that Uh there's nowhere for them to go Wow yeah a home well about home I would Love it if they would go home Um and you remember you know Biden went To the board went to the Border went to El Paso and they cleaned up the streets For the you know for the Optics of it I

    I think they're at a point now where There's there's I can't clean that up Where do they go no where do you put Them there's no hiding that that's what It looks like now Where are the other ones going to go Right like this is a very real question It's not a rhetorical like where are They going to go there will not be space In El Paso are they going to have buses Lined up are they busing them here I Sure as hell hope not but I mean you Have to imagine that they do understand Look they're very incompetent I'm not I Don't mean to downplay their you know Incompetency but like you have to Believe that they have some sort of a Plan other than send these troops Because remember I said the troops are Not there to like enforce the law and Send them back they're just there to Help alleviate the border patrol Processing all of these people Right like they're not gonna like go Stand in line with all their guns and Prevent people from coming through You're not gonna have guns at the border They won't do that they absolutely will Not do that Um I think too like one of the big Issues is not it's not border management As much as it's internal enforcement Right like we capture people in Ohio Right that right and we don't do

    Anything about it right we constantly Capture these people and then release Them inside the country there's no There's no you know there's all these Sanctuary cities and Sanctuary States at This point that don't care about this Problem at all so you're incentivizing People to come you know you get get past That that the border is you know that's That's a challenge but not a not one That they can't handle and then you're Inside and once you're inside we treated As less than a speeding ticket so why Wouldn't they come you know it's hard It's in some ways hard to blame them Although I you know still would like to Them to avoid illegal activity but we Don't take it seriously yeah yeah that's True Um I Back to Korean Jean-Pierre for a second Um is it impressive how bad she is while Looking at her notes yeah I love that because you can tell when Words confuse it which you just starts She just blinks like 78 times a second While she's looking down yeah Um it is very very strange and you're Right like we were talking about this Off the air the other day like She's been doing this for a while right Like this is not getting better like in A year or more right right and she's Just reading and reading and reading and

    Reading and you know Eve this was an Attempt at Her eyes because Look at that how many blinks is that Because she's she has no concept what She's talking about these are her tails And I I really do find it remarkable Because she you know she'll read you Know three or four paragraphs Consecutively like this is not we don't Need human beings to do this job if That's what you're going to do just put Up the document I kept saying I I was Thinking Siri would be good because you Could just get Siri will read you like If you happen to be someone who's blind You can put something on your phone you Can like listen and it will read you the Document that's it's like one of their Accessibility settings it will just read You the document let's just put the Phone up there because why why if she's Just gonna read to us every every day Why not just hire an iPhone and then you Don't have to pay for the war Yeah our current military budget is About half of what current jean-pierre's Wardrobe is and that's a little known Fact but it's true So just uh to put things in perspective Here with the Border you know we Previously did have a president who Wanted to build a wall and secure the Border and uh Joe Biden has blown

    Through 50 billion of taxpayer dollars On consulting firms which is just for The record uh three times as much money As a former president Donald Trump had Allotted to spend to build the border Wall before of course it was axed by the Current regime three times as much on Consulting firms while allowing this Open border crisis to happen lovely nice Awesome if you like that clip there is Plenty more where that came from click The link in the description below to Subscribe to the news and why it matters YouTube channel to watch the full Episode