Teens GAYER Now than Ever! | Pseudo-Intellectual with Lauren Chen | 5/2/23

    Teens GAYER Now than Ever! | Pseudo-Intellectual with Lauren Chen | 5/2/23

    Forget turning the frogs gay it turns Out that liberal Elites have been Turning your children gay we have this Shocking report from The Daily Mail it Says record one in four high school Students say they are gay bisexual or Questioning their sexuality official CDC Data shows double the amount in 2015. Now when I was younger when I was back In school they used to say that between One to two percent of the population Identified as LGBT in some way or Another however nowadays if you turn on TV if you walk around a college campus If you just listen to what political Issues are being discussed it definitely Seems like it's more than one to two Percent of the population that falls Under the LGBT umbrella I mean if you're Living somewhere like San Francisco I Think you would be excused for thinking That literally every other person is Rainbow identified in some form or Another well according to this new CDC Report it's not just you you're not just Seeing things the number of people who Say they're LGBT out there it's it's Literally exploding especially among Young people Daily Mail writes The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's bi-annual use youth report Found that just 75.5 percent of 14 to 18 Year olds said they were heterosexual in 2021 a new low the remainder said they

    Were either bisexual at 1 gay or Lesbian 3.2 percent other 3.9 percent or Said they questioned their sexuality at 5.2 percent the percentage of students Who do not view themselves as straight Has more than doubled in recent years From 11 in 2015 to 24.5 percent in 2021. So what is happening here why are high School students so much scarier than They were just a few years ago well if You talk to leftist activists they will Of course deny that there's any grooming Or brainwashing here no no if you ask Them it's simply that kids are more Comfortable coming out as their true Authentic selves as Society has become More tolerant of LGBT people and this Article does dive into that theory it Says experts say the explosion in Alternative sexualities among children Can be partly attributed to increased Acceptance Dr Molly Blackburn who Teaches sexuality studies at Ohio State University told dailymail.com it's an Increase in accept from both parents and Society accepting people creates a Context where a child will be more Willing to say that they are gay it also Clarifies that she does not think the Actual number of children who are truly Gay lesbian or bisexual has changed in Recent years but that young people are Simply more willing to admit it now so According to these leftists know it's

    Not that young people are gayer than They used to be they've always been Exactly this gay it's just that now They're simply more comfortable Admitting it well if you ask me that is Absolute baloney for several reasons Which we'll be getting into but first I Do want to say thank you to this video's Sponsor books so let's just face it There are a ton of things that moms do For us that they never get thanked for And because of that there is no way I'm Letting Mother's Day slip by this year This year I'm thanking my mom with farm Fresh flowers from books that's short For bouquets now sure you can give your Mom a regular Mom's Day flowers or you Can make her day spectacular with Flowers from books and here is what I Love about them number one books is Different their flowers are sourced Directly from the best farms and cut Fresh so they last way longer and they Even have flowers that are grown on the The side of a volcano because also Offers a huge selection of Unique Designs you'll never find on those other Sites pick her fave tulips or lilies or Send a bright and beautiful bouquet to Make up for those gray hairs you gave Her and if you weren't aware Mother's Day is May 14th this year don't let it Sneak by order your books now and while You're there check out their flower

    Subscription so Mom feels your love all Year round this Mother's Day show your Mom how thankful you are for her and how Much you love her and help her feel Special by going to books.com and using The promo code Lauren for 20 off that is B-o-u-q-s.com with the promo code Lauren So why do I doubt that the reason why so Many people are gay now compared to the Past is simply because of acceptance Well as the same Daily Mail article Explains rates of alternate sexualities In school-aged children are much higher Than the adult population where about Seven percent are gay bisexual or other So if society as a whole is getting more Accepting of LGBT people including these Kids parents then why aren't people who Are these kids parents age I.E older Generations also seeing the same Explosion in LGBT identities because in Contrast with whatever the heck is going On with Gen Z other Studies have shown That the rate of LGBT identities among Older Generations even talking about Millennials gen xers Baby Boomers They're not exploding at the same rate Actually in contrast to that they're Pretty dang stable I also doubt that oh We're just more accepting now Explanation because other Western Countries aren't seeing the same Phenomenon including countries like the UK which I think you would be

    Hard-pressed to say are less accepting Than America and the same article Explains that in the UK for example only Eight percent of people 16 to 25 Identify as LGBT according to the office For National statistics heck leftists Europe as the place that I'm always Being told is so much more Progressive And tolerant and open than America but If that's the case why aren't they gayer Than America or in your terms I guess Why aren't gays who live over there more Comfortable coming out as their Authentic selves it just doesn't make Sense instead what I think is Responsible for this explosion in an LGBT young people is simply Indoctrination indoctrination by public Schools indoctrination by pop culture And if you turn on any Netflix show You're gonna see some character another Who is LGBT and this is the content that Kids are consuming daily if you go to Any classroom in America at least According to tick tock you're gonna have Some blue hair teacher talking about Their pansexuality of course these Influences are going to affect young People and the way that they view Sexuality and by the way this May be Unpopular to say but I'll just say it Anyway the increase in LGBT identifying Youth is objectively a bad thing and That's not me being homophobic by the

    Way that's just me actually caring about Kids mental health Daily Mail explains That children who identify as part of The LGB community are significantly more Likely to undergo serious mental health Struggles it says more than half a Female high schoolers who identify as Bisexual have seriously considered Attempting suicide this is compared to Merely 20 percent of heterosexual female Students plus a staggering 26 percent More than one in four bisexual female Students attempted suicide and now to Explain what's Happening Here the same Doctor Who by the way says that the only Reason why there are more gay students Now is because Society is more accepting She conversely says that these rates are So high because bisexual students have Trouble fitting in with peers as they Can be rejected by both the straight and Lesbian communities it also explains That this is compared to 15 of lesbians And eight percent of Straight girls do These people never pause to just listen To themselves speak because Simultaneously we're being told that There are more bisexual students now Because Society is more accepting and They feel comfortable coming out about It but also these same bisexual students Who weren't bisexual like five years ago They're also at an increased risk of Suicide or suicide attempts because they

    Feel marginalized so it's like which is It because honestly let's think about This rationally LGBT students being more Likely to self-harm and there being more LGBT students now than before that does Mean that students are more likely to Self-harm now than they were before that At least is what deductive reasoning Would tell us and by the way according To this other Daily Mail article it Holds true a different report by the CDC Found that in 2021 at 10 percent of U.S High school students that they had Attempted to kill themselves in the past 1 months up from around 8 percent in 2019 and it's now being reported that Nearly one-third of all U.S high Schoolers report suffering from poor Mental health with females suffering the Most with 40 reporting poor mental Health that year females by the way also Being the sex most likely to identify as LGBT this is a mental health crisis Among young people and yes this is Absolutely related to the fact that Schools and pop culture are trying to Confuse kids about their sexuality about Their gender identity none of this is Conducive to good mental health but Instead of trying to address this issue And saying hey maybe it's best if we Actually promote Healthy Lifestyles and Family structures for these kids instead Of trying to confuse them we have these

    Activists who are going just full steam Ahead trying to undermine Heteronormativity the family structure In order to pursue their ideological Goals with absolutely no concern with The kids who are harmed in the process It's disgusting and disappointing and It's just one of the many reasons why Parents you have to be involved with What your kid is learning at school and What they're consuming online through The television don't take for granted That the left isn't trying to sink their Claws into them that's all I have to say For now and as always if you enjoyed This video please be sure to like share And subscribe until next time