China’s Iron Grip on America: RNC Chairwoman Rips Biden Administration to Shreds!

    China's Iron Grip on America: RNC Chairwoman Rips Biden Administration to Shreds!

    The explosive Revelation that China is Running the Biden White House has rocked The nation as RNC chairwoman Rana McDaniel accuses the administration of Being China first McDaniel claimed that China is taking over America under Biden With its grip on the country tightening By the day from fentanyl coming across The southern border to China's taking Our kids data on Tick Tock the Biden Administration's soft approach to China Has put America's security at risk with Energy Secretary Jennifer granholm Praising China's energy and climate Policies and treasury secretary Janet Yalen calling for a healthy relationship Between the U.S and China it's clear That the Biden Administration is Beholden to the Communist Nation Thanks for watching Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker filling in from my YouTube Ivory Hecker stay Informed on on this developing story and Keep up with the latest news by Subscribing and enabling notifications Below The shocking claim made by RNC Chairwoman Rana McDaniel that China is Running the Biden Administration has Sent shockwaves through the country McDaniel's comments reflect growing Concern among voters about the Administration's soft approach to China And its potential impact on America's

    Security critics have accused the Biden Administration of being too lenient on China with Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm recently praising China's Energy and climate policies and treasury Secretary Janet Yellen calling for a Constructive relationship with China Meanwhile reports of Chinese spying and Secret police stations operating in the U.S have raced alarm Bells about the Communist nation's influence in this Report we'll examine the evidence behind McDaniel's claims and explore what they Mean for America's future China's grip on the Biden Administration Is evident in a number of ways according To McDaniel one of the most concerning Is the flow of fentanyl across the Southern border which has been linked to China's production and export of the Deadly drug with drug overdoses surging Across the country the Biden Administration's failure to address this Issue is alarming Another area of concern is China's Taking of America's American children's Data on Tick Tock a popular social media App the Trump Administration attempted To ban Tick-Tock in the U.S due to the National Security concerns but the Biden Administration has yet to take action The potential for China to use this data For nefarious purposes cannot be ignored McDaniel also pointed out that the Biden

    Administration sold the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China a move that Has raised questions about America's Energy independence with China being one Of the world's biggest polluters this Move seems to contradict the Administration's stated commitment to Fighting climate change take a look If they're so beholden to China I mean Look at China is running this White House in a lot of ways China is the Reason fentanyl is coming across our Border China is taking our kids data on Tick Tock we sold our strategic Petroleum reserves to China this is an Administration that is more China first Than America First and the American People want a president who cares about Them well we're seeing this happen right And I'm not surprised he's going to hide He's hid from the Press he's hid from The American people he doesn't take Tough questions he doesn't have to Answer for anything any of the scandals That he has in his presidency so he's Going to hide again and most of the Media will allow him to do that but I do Think he's right about one thing we Cannot win if if we're not United if Republicans don't vote for other Republicans we're not going to win and We don't just need all of Republicans we Need Independence too you know Shannon Republicans are migrating they are

    Migrating to Red States why because We've got great Governors across the Country low taxes are our policies work But it means the white house electorally Isn't available to US unless we go Through a purple or blue State and those States are getting Bluer because red Voters are moving to the red States so This is very very critical that we Understand the path that the White House Runs not just through Independence but Every single Republican getting on board Critics have accused the Biden Administration of being too soft on China with Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm recently praising China's Energy and climate policies this is Despite the fact that China is one of The world's biggest emitters of Greenhouse gases and has a poor track Record on environmental issues with the U.S leading the world in emissions Reductions many are concerned that the White administration's approach to China Could undermine this progress reports of Chinese spying in the U.S have also Raised alarm Bells about the Communist Nation's influence earlier this year a Chinese spy balloon flew across the Country collecting data from sensitive American military installations and Transmitting it back to China in real Time while the National Security Council Has downplayed the threat many believe

    That the U.S is not doing enough to Counter Chinese Espionage even more Concerning are recent reports of secret Police stations operating in the U.S the New York Post reported that up to six Such stations exist in the country with Two people in New York recently arrested For operating an illegal police station For the Chinese Communist Party these Stations are believed to be part of China's effort to exert influence over The U.S and its citizens take a look This non-descript office building in the Heart of bustling Chinatown in lower Manhattan has a dark secret an ominous Description from U.S attorney Brianne Peace who says that until several months Ago an entire floor hosted an Undeclared Outpost station of the Chinese National Police now just imagine the NYPD opening An Undeclared secret police station in Beijing It would be Unthinkable Lou Jen Wang and Chen Jinping seen in this photo from the Criminal complaint are accused of Helping set up the station but U.S Officials say it was not the type of Police force the average American might Think of instead of combating crimes They say they were committing them Specifically acts of transnational Repression where foreign government in This case China stalks or intimidates Individuals in the United States the

    Chinese National Police appear to have Been using the station to track a U.S Resident On U.S soil when the defendants learned That they were under investigation Prosecutors say they deleted Communication with the Chinese Government official who was giving them Instructions this is clearly a blatant Violation of our national sovereignty it Shows the prc's efforts to globalize the Oppressive tactics used domestically in China to silence dissent in today's Charges send a crystal clear response to The PRC that we are owned to you We know what you're doing And we will stop it from happening in The United States of America Wow given these troubling developments It's clear that the Biden Administration Must take a stronger stance on China the American people want a president who Puts their interests first not those of A foreign power if the Biden Administration continues to be China First America's security and prosperity Are at risk the RNC chairwoman Ronald McDaniels claims that China is running The Biden Administration have sent Shockwaves through the country with Evidence of Chinese spying secret police Stations operating in the U.S and the Flow of deadly fentanyl across the Southern border it is clear that China's

    Influence Over America is growing the Biden administration's soft approach to China has put America's security and Prosperity at risk with reports of Chinese infiltration and data collection Only adding to the concerns the American People deserve a president who puts Their interests first not those of a Foreign power As the story continues to develop it's Important to stay informed and to demand Action from our elected officials follow Next news for the latest updates and Breaking news on this critical issue Let's continue this conversation in the Comments below let me know what you Think of it for next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker Thank you for watching that report using Ad blockers while browsing the web is Now recommended by the FBI in a new Report it's revealed that an identity Theft occurs every 22 seconds the risks Of identity fraud data breaches account Hacks and more has never been greater Today's sponsored virtual Shield has Been my go-to security program for the Past year and with virtual Shield I can Browse the internet anonymously Protecting myself my data and my Finances from cyber criminals virtual Shield is an industry-leading VPN that Offers anonymous browsing strict no Logging policy unlimited bandwidth and

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