LOOK: Don Lemon Confronted after being Fired from CNN

    LOOK: Don Lemon Confronted after being Fired from CNN

    We have stunning news out of the liberal Mainstream media Don Lemon notorious for His liberal bias in unprofessionalism Was fired from CNN and now he's being Confronted about it stay informed on the Latest news tap subscribe and enable Your notifications Lemonhead repeatedly pushed the Boundaries and this time he went too far CNN finally had enough of his Inappropriate behavior blatant biases And derogatory remarks so the network Decided to fire him after 17 years now In an interview with the time 100 Gala Lemon showed no remorse for his actions And instead played innocent claiming He's not an angry person at being fired From the left-leaning network was all Part of life's twists and turns watch No really no I'm a very resilient person I've had a very full life with lots of Twists and turns I come from strong Sturdy stock in Louisiana and I am lucky enough to be in a position Where I don't have to worry about you Know not having a place to live or a Home or whatever I have people around me Who love me including this gentleman Right here so I'm good Oh I'm not a mess because that's not in My nature I'm not an angry person I'm Not mad so what are your emotions about It Um my emotions are onward there's a

    Reason that this happened and then we'll See what happens in the future but I'm Here to talk I'm actually here to Celebrate the people from time 100 and Not talk about me or what's happened to Me that's why I'm here This week you do understand that of Course I would you I mean I would hope So at being a journalist I do understand That but I understand what's important Right now especially for where I am in This event is to celebrate the people Who are here who deserve to be Celebrated and not to talk about what's Going on with me I'm Is it is it me or are you getting uh Urkel Vibes right here I don't know What's clear is that lemon's departure From the network has been championed by Conservatives many have expressed their Satisfaction at the news of lemons Firing believing that it's a step in the Right direction towards the network Moving towards honest and unbiased Reporting however others feel as firing Was not enough and the network should Take more steps to correct their bias And spread factual information The real reason for lemons exit from CNN Was his persistent bias in promoting his Political agenda on air as well as his Treatment of colleagues CNN has been Criticized for left-leaning and pushing

    A liberal agenda for many years in fact Many viewers have accused a network of Spreading fake news and defaming America's values now it appears the Network's going through a reorganizing Phase as nearly all of the problematic Past hosts have been let go while it Remains to be seen just how big of a Change CNN is willing to make in order To become more of a trusted unbiased News Outlet will never forget the Content the network produced in these Last couple of years let's continue the Conversation in the comments below for The next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report using Ad blockers while browsing the web is Now recommended by the FBI in a new Report it's revealed that an identity Theft occurs every 22 seconds the risks Of identity fraud data breaches account Hacks and more has never been greater Today's sponsored virtual Shield has Been my go-to security program for the Past year and with virtual Shield I can Browse the internet anonymously Protecting myself my data and my Finances from cyber criminals virtual Shield is an industry-leading VPN that Offers anonymous browsing strict no Logging policy unlimited bandwidth and Built-in malware and ad blocking you can Start browsing the internet anonymously By using my link below or simply by

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