Glenn: Bud Light Must Say THIS to Avoid Company DESTRUCTION

    Glenn: Bud Light Must Say THIS to Avoid Company DESTRUCTION

    Let me give you an update on Anheuser-Busch remember what I told you Last was it last week When did this Anheuser-Busch thing Happen last week or the week before it Seems like 26 years ago but I think two Weeks ago okay two weeks ago so I did a Show on TV and we talked about it here On radio that I told you about the Human Rights Campaign and something that they Uh call CEI the corporate Equity uh or equality Corporate equality index and I told you That some of these companies are feeling Like they're held hostage because the Corporate equality index is something That is run and it's wildly leftist and Extreme and it calls companies and says Hey Where is your advertising pro-gay Lesbian anti-American all this stuff Where is that and if you're not doing it They bring your score down and every Year they give each company a score and They also give a list of Demands as we Told you these are the people that Called the insurance companies uh about A month ago and said hey our our new Index is coming out in this summer and You better not be funding anything with Or giving insurance for any kind of Fossil fuel company otherwise You know you're gonna have some problems And we know this approach Works they use

    It in politics all the time there's a Bunch of groups that have scores that Rate politicians based on their voting Records and they say if you vote the Wrong way on this we're going to lower Your score which means that voters and Groups will look at you and say you're Less conservative or less liberal Depending on what the goal is uh except This one is is more than just we're Going to vote against you right this one Is I believe a terroristic threat so Listen to this Pro LGBT uh advocacy Organization Is pressing now Anheuser-Busch to Publicly Proclaim its support for Transgender people They have been facing a Groundswell of Negative consumer sentiments since Enlisting transgender figure Dylan Mcmulvaney to advertise Bud Light beer I talked to a friend of mine in Seattle Last night he said uh No uh he said I was sitting at a bar he Texted me from the bar he said Glenn This is out of control for Budweiser He said they're out of every other beer They have plenty of Budweiser no one Will order it In Seattle Are you kidding me Now maybe it's the one conservative bar Where everybody who votes for a Republican is in that bar but that's

    Remarkable how about you know Stu Leonards remember this from yeah yeah Northeast to grocery store chain uh I Don't know how would you think of it I Certainly don't think of it as a Conservative store I don't think if it Is anything oh really grocery store it's A grocery store but I think it has a Little bit of a A Trader joe'sish League okay yeah right Like okay you know like organic healthy Like I don't know that's you know Fresh Dairy like that's how I think of it I Never used to think that Fresh Dairy Meant that you were politically left no But but you know what I mean I know I Know I know you wouldn't say it's like It's more hippie right it's not gonna You know maybe carry every like sugary Cereal you expect that some of the other Places astrids New York Post reported That Regional supermarket chain Stu Leonards had seen Bud Light sales drop By 50 percent And that sales of Coors Light had Increased by roughly an equal measure They are done they are done they're not They can't be what does that mean done Not done Budweiser how you Bud Light was The number one selling beer yeah right You cut that by 50 that's something you Bank on oh yeah that's it's it's Incredibly dramatic and I was at a Wedding this weekend and you know you go

    Up to the bar and they have the Selection of no I don't know what you Mean when you go up to the bar but thank You for reminding me literally an Alcoholic literally an alcoholic you Definitely know what it feels like to Walk up to him so you go and they had The bottles all sitting out there and I Was looking at them and you know like I've said this before we do these power Hours yeah in Studio's America a couple Times a year I know you earlier I missed Some good times we would have done some Good shows back then that would have Been a blast uh but you know I would Drink Bud Light because it's it's easy To drink it tastes pretty much like Water you get through it quickly it's You know it's that's your goal right Here that kind of like water and I can Get through it quickly why are you Drinking it that's a good question so uh You go and you they have the choice of Beers there and I looked at them and Like normally I probably would just pick Bud Light and it wasn't even through Like a boycott choice for me it was like You know just give me a Miller like I Don't want to have a conversation right Now about Dylan Mulvaney like I that That was really the thought that went Through my head if I get a Bud Light I'll be carrying around someone go hey Think about and I was like I don't want

    To have that conversation and it's like I think a lot of people will go through That because even if you don't want to Necessarily you don't care about a Boycott you don't want to be making a Statement about transgenderism with your Drink Choice want less politics not more Yeah I mean we used to talk about social Things on this program and programmers Would say oh nobody cares about the Social or we're talking politics here And yeah at the time they were right Now everything is political absolutely Everything beer is political So anyway uh they wrote a letter and They said In This Moment talking to Budweiser it is absolutely critical for Anheuser-Busch to stand in solidarity With Dylan and the trans community However When you were faced with anti-lgbtq and Transphobic criticism Nobody's transphobic we'd like people to Stop jamming it down our throats and Putting it in our schools Anyway Um the actions of Anheuser-Busch Demonstrated a profound lack of Fortitude in upholding its values of Diversity equity and inclusion to Employees customers shareholders and the Lgbtq community This not only lends Credence to the Hate-filled rhetoric it exposes

    Anheuser-Busch to long-term business Impacts with employees and customers Increasingly looking for steadfast Commitment to lgbtq plus corporate Citizens Uh they then mentioned that they are Doing their new Corporate Equity index score And it could hurt their 100 percent what Are these companies supposed to do They're all being held hostage now I Will tell you I think if they would say You know what We're just not going to be held hostage Anymore sorry I don't think they can do It I really don't think they can do it I Bet you the board Is already swayed enough to where it's Like no we can't lose we can't lose any Money So they're gonna try to play this middle Ground and make everybody happy which Won't work I think if Budweiser stood Out and said you know what we like the Clydesdales we like America We don't have a problem with transgender People But we're not going to be held hostage By anyone No That person that came up with this Campaign Cut our profits by 50

    In one day She's fired we're never going down that Road again We're a beer company not a political Company play your politics with other Companies That beer would go through the roof Through the roof Bud would be number one And would have real brand loyalty how Far is that away from what they actually Did though I mean they came out with a Statement that said we never intended to Get into the middle of a conversation Like this and they suspended the lady Who was responsible for suspended now They're being threatened by this Human Rights Commission see if they turn Around let's see if they turn around now They're being threatened now they should Come out and they should have a Corporate statement we have been Threatened by this organization And what they're threatening is to go After our finances go after everyone This is a hostage situation there is no Difference between somebody who does Cyber attacks and holds companies uh Passwords and money and operations In exchange for money There's no difference between that and This they are saying you either comply And do what we say Or we're going to destroy your company That

    Is Terrorism If the first huge company that comes out And says that everything's going to Change Everything Will Change