Kevin McCarthy’s Popularity Surges as Speaker of the House

    Kevin McCarthy's Popularity Surges as Speaker of the House

    Republicans across the country have been Keeping a close eye on Kevin McCarthy's Performance as their leader in the House Of Representatives And the verdict is in whether it's his Unwavering commitments to conservative Values or his ability to navigate Complex issues with ease McCarthy has Certainly made an impression on his Fellow Republicans let's find out what Kind of impression I'm rich Crenshaw Stay up to date on the latest news by Subscribing to our Channel and enabling The notifications Okay Today we're reporting on a new poll that Shows a significant shift in the Approval rating of Kevin McCarthy the Current Speaker of the United States House of Representatives According to the latest economic or Economist slash you gov poll two-thirds Of Republicans approve of McCarthy's job As Speaker a sharp increase from a poll Conducted in this in December his Approval comes largely from firm stances Like a responsible debt ceiling watch The House Republicans just passed the Only Bill in Washington that lifts the Debt limit Ends wasteful Washington spending And puts America back on the right Economic path That we're going to limit the growth in

    The future we're going to save by Pulling back this unspent coveted money We're going to grow this economy by Making us energy independent again and Getting more people encouraging them Back to work The sad part here is now the Democrats Need to do their job The president can no longer ignore by Not negotiating Senator Schumer if he thinks he's got a Plan put it on the floor see if you can Pass it and then we can go to conference But now the president can no longer put This economy in Jeopardy we lifted the Debt limit we've sent it to the Senate We've done our job the only body in here That's done theirs the Senate I got to give him credit they did name March maple syrup month and they have Thanked Yukon and congratulating for Their basketball win but they've done Nothing when it comes to the economy or The debt limit I don't even like maple syrup This did I say that out loud okay this Poll surveyed 1289 registered voters with 381 of them Being Republicans of the Republican Respondents 66 percent approved of McCarthy's job as Speaker with a 25 Strongly approving and 41 somewhat Approving when including Democrats and Independents 40 percent

    47 sorry 47 percent approve of McCarthy's handling of his job With only 37 percent disapproving and 16 Being unsure this marks a significant Increase in McCarthy's approval rating Since December when his job approval Rating was negative eight how do you do That at that time only 36 percent Approved his job as House minority Leader with 44 percent disapproving and 20 percent uh being unsure the fact that McCarthy's job approval rating has Increased since he became speaker of the House is a positive sign for the Republican Party It shows that he has been able to unite The party and Garner the support from Both the conservative and moderate wings As the 2024 presidential elections uh Approach this increase in approval Rating could be crucial for Republicans Moving forward with McCarthy leading the Charge the party can continue to push Forward with their conservative agenda And appeal to a wider range of Voters We hope McCarthy holds the line as we Near 2024 when we get a chance to Replace the Abomination that is Joe Biden and his incompetent clown show Let us know what you think for the next News Network I'm rich crankshaw we'll See you next time Thank you for watching that report you Know there's an epidemic of bad sleep in

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