North Carolina Takes the Lead in the Fight Against Foreign Ownership of U.S. Farmland

    North Carolina Takes the Lead in the Fight Against Foreign Ownership of U.S. Farmland

    North Carolina lawmakers unanimously Pass a well overdue National Security Bill this bill is critical for ensuring A safe abundant and affordable supply of Food for residents of the state and the Nation and for preventing National Security threats from foreign entities I'm rich crankshaw stay on top of the Latest news stay up to date on National Security Foreign Affairs and politics by Subscribing to next news and enabling Your notifications by the way Before I get to that our widespread food Shortages next it looks like it it feels Like it'll hit at any moment are you Ready have you stocked up for at least Three months if not click more below and Check out for new Lower prices save 200 on a three-month Emergency food kit plus free shipping Visit right now and Save 200 per kit now back to the news In a move aimed at protecting farmland And military bases from the potential Control of adversarial foreign Governments Lawmakers in North Carolina unanimously Approved the North Carolina farmland and Military protection act on Wednesday the New legislation restricts State Control Enterprises from China and other Adversarial nations from owning land Intended for agriculture or property Near military bases the move by North

    Carolina lawmakers is part of a broader Trend across the United States to curb Chinese investment in Farmland real Estate and other key Industries the Chinese Communist parties uh aggressive Efforts to expand its Global influence Has raised alarm Bells among lawmakers And intelligence officials in the U.S And other Western countries Last year North Dakota struggled with Similar problems watch China is buying up some American Farmland the question is is China doing That to spy on the U.S military some Lawmakers and Intel officials say it's a Real concern the question centers around A controversial land sale between north Dakotans and a company with ties to Beijing cbc's Eamon Javers spoke with Some key players behind that deal This is Grand Forks Air Force Base in North Dakota home of some of the Nation's most sensitive technology Including the rq4 global hawk Surveillance drone and this property Sits just about 20 minutes down the road More than 300 acres of prime Farmland Earlier this year three North dakotans Who owned Parcels here sold this land For millions of dollars to a subsidiary Of a Chinese company that says it wants To build a corn Milling plant now that Transaction has come under scrutiny here In Washington D.C where some in the

    Intelligence Community warn that the Deal should be blocked because it could Offer Chinese spies unprecedented access To the American base According to a report from the Department of Agriculture North Carolina Presently has more than 518 000 Acres of Farmland held by Foreign Entities an amount which increased by Nearly 11 000 Acres between 2019 and 2020. Chinese entities own slightly less than One percent of Acres held by foreigners In the United States Investors from Canada meanwhile own Roughly 32 percent of agriculture Agricultural non-agricultural land held By foreigners while citizens of other Allies such as the Netherlands and the United Kingdom represent 31 percent of Land held by foreigners The North Carolina farmland and Military Protection act mentioned military Facilities such as Fort Bragg Camp Lejeune and Seymour Johnson Air Force Base as locations where entities Controlled by adversarial Nations cannot Purchase property Common Sense bill I mean why I mean I Don't even understand how we can even Have these discussions the bill also Prohibits entities in which more than Half of shares are controlled by China Russia Cuba North Korea or Venezuela

    From purchasing or leasing any land Within 24 25 miles of a military Installation or any agricultural land State Rep Jennifer Balcom a Republican And the primary Bill sponsor for the North Carolina farmland and Military Protection act emphasized the importance Of preserving North Carolina's Farmland From foreign governments That do not have America's best interest In mind As someone who grew up on a farm on a Family farm Balcom understands the value Of protecting the state's agricultural Land As one of its most important assets Chinese entities composed six percent of Foreign residential real estate Purchased in the United States between April of 2021 and March 2022 according To an analysis from the National Association of Realtors Some three percent of Residential Properties acquired by Chinese buyers Were in North Carolina This trend has raised concerns among Lawmakers and intelligence officials About potential Espionage and influence Operations by the Chinese Communist Party the North Carolina farmland and Military protection act is a significant Step towards protecting the state's Critical assets from foreign control by Preventing state-controlled Enterprises

    From China and other adversarial nations From owning land intended for Agriculture or property near military Bases North Carolina is sending a clear Message about its commitment to National Security and we're we're on board with That we support it I'm rich crankshaw Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below thanks for watching the Next News Network Thank you for watching that report I'd Like to ask you a question are Widespread food shortages the next big Thing as far as I can tell it looks like It whenever I look around it seems like Everything is going to come crashing Down at any moment you're ready aren't You are you prepared with at least three Months worth of food stocked up in case Of an emergency well you can find new Lower prices for my Patriot Supply if You tap more below and go to where you'll find New lower prices from my Patriot Supply In addition save two hundred dollars on A three-month emergency food kit and get Free shipping as well there's enough Food in this kit to nourish one person For a solid three months the kit Includes breakfast lunches dinners Drinks and snacks it provides you with 2 000 calories a day which will keep you Full and satisfied throughout the day Now is the perfect time for you to save

    Two hundred dollars on our prepare with kit the kits will be shipped to You fast and free of charge that's Prepared with we'll see you the Next report for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please share this Report and to get more videos like this Become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for Watching the next News Network Foreign