New Tucker Carlson Revelations Explain What’s Going On With Fox News and Him Being Fired

New Tucker Carlson Revelations Explain What's Going On With Fox News and Him Being Fired

“Got some interesting new insight into Tucker Carlson being fired from Fox News. To make a long story short, it was because he was revealing too much information about the New World Order and couldn’t be controlled by Operation Mockingbird, like Sean Hannity who probably wears a CIA pin on his lapel while he flirts with Lindsey Graham every night. Even the liberal media opponents are admitting that they don’t know why Fox News fired him because on the surface, it doesn’t make any sense at all unless you really know how things operate. But we have some interesting information into the plot to try to bring him down. This is Abby Grossberg who just did an interview on MSNBC, which I’ll show you in just a moment. She is a former producer of Tucker Carlson who secretly recorded months worth of conversations in the office and, uh, allegedly in my opinion, tried to extort the network. And then when they wouldn’t pay her, she filed a lawsuit against them and Tucker Carlson claiming that it was a hostile work environment and that she was subjected to sexism and anti-Semitism. So, tell us lady, what sort of terrible things happened to you once you joined the show?


I was hoping that it would be more professional and what he was portraying on air was just a show. And unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. Oh, you mean this viral photo which Tucker mocked on air and which became a popular meme? You know, I could see why she was horrified because that photo would scare anyone, but not grounds for a lawsuit and certainly doesn’t make a hostile work environment when somebody in the office before you even worked there put it as the wallpaper on a computer as a joke. You know, I could hope that she does have recordings of Tucker Carlson and release them publicly because I’d be willing to bet that he’s a lot cooler off air than he is when he has to be all professional and abide by Fox News’s editorial standards, sort of like he was when he was on Megan Kelly’s podcast when she brought up the fact that the ADL was trying to get him fired. And today there’s more blowback on whether you’ve been pushing for the Great Replacement theory, and you said that this is going to happen on your show last night. Sure enough, on cue, the ADL comes out and comes after you. They’re pushing yet again for you to be…

That was a little hard to hear because his microphone isn’t that great and there’s a little bit of crosstalk there. But he literally just said, “F*** them.” But this crazy cat lady may not even have any recordings of Tucker because she didn’t even work in the same office, the same or the same building, or the same state because she was in New York and Tucker Carlson broadcast his show from Florida. And yesterday when I joked that the alleged anti-Semitism that she says she experienced while working on the show was probably just someone wishing her Merry Christmas at the office because, well, she believes Jesus is a fraud and doesn’t celebrate Christian holidays, that really wasn’t a joke. But I didn’t know at the time, but I have looked further into this, and I’m not kidding you, she literally complained about some Christmas decorations in the office. And then when she complained, one of the other staffers called her a Grinch, which then she used as more evidence of anti-Semitism at the office. You know, she could always move to Israel if she doesn’t like American holidays. Over there, they’re trying to ban Christianity. Conservative Christian leaders are calling on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop a bill proposed by members of his coalition to make it criminal to tell people about Jesus.