Explosive WHCA Dinner: Biden MOCKS Media, Angering Liberal Elite!

    Explosive WHCA Dinner: Biden MOCKS Media, Angering Liberal Elite!

    In a night filled with outrage hypocrisy And undeniable drama the White House Correspondents association dinner was a Roller coaster of emotions for both Liberals and conservatives President Biden openly mocked the media igniting a Firestorm of reactions from both sides Liberal Elites were enraged while Conservatives reveled in the controversy From biased NPR host Tamara Keith's Opening remarks to comedian Roy Woods Juniors Jabs at Biden Tucker Carlson and Critical race Theory the night was one For the history books the liberal Media's hypocrisy was on full display Leaving me were shocked and eager for More Stay tuned on the latest news tap Subscribe and enable notifications right Now As the annual White House Correspondents Association dinner unfolded it became Clear that this year's event would be Anything but ordinary the evening was Packed with controversial moments that Enraged liberals and delighted Conservatives put in the hypocrisy of The liberal media on full display this Year's dinner was hosted by NPR's Tamara Keith who set the tone for the evening With her opening remarks in her Introduction she praised the annual Dinner and lauded its importance but her Words rang Hollow as she failed to

    Recognize the bias that runs rampant in The media while she claimed that Reporters at the event pulled no punches And have a responsibility to the country Her own history of bias reporting Undermines her argument watch There is something uniquely American About the fact that we can all be here Together and then these reporters can go Out on Monday and do stories about these Very same politicians that pull no Punches When we're asking questions in the Oval Office under the wing of Air Force One Or in the briefing room we are stand-ins For the American people Our responsibility to the country is Woven into the fabric of the nation Enshrined in the First Amendment of the Constitution and we take that Responsibility seriously this is a Challenging time for the news industry My employer in PR just went through a Painful round of layoffs and we aren't Alone ABC BuzzFeed CBS CNN Gannett Insider Vice news tonight the Washington Post I Had to alphabetize the list it is so Long It's good to see them all dying The event took a turn when President Biden took the stage openly taunting Reporters about his ongoing refusal to Regularly take questions from the media

    This bold move incited a mix of laughter And outrage with some liberals fuming And conservatives celebrating watch A lot of ways this dinner sums up my First two years in office I'll talk for 10 minutes take zero Questions and cheerfully walk away Yeah that does sum it up Comedian Roy Wood Jr was not one to hold Back either as he stepped up to the Podium he took Jabs at President Biden Tucker Carlson in critical race Theory His comments targeted targeting Carlson Were particularly controversial Suggesting that the Fox News host Audience needs to be told why they Should hate the president watch Under one thing and that scandal Scandals Scandals have been devouring careers This year the Untouchable Tucker Carlson Is out of a job Well Okay some people celebrate it But to Tucker staff I want you to know That I know what you're feeling I work at The Daily Show so I too have Been blindsided by the sudden departure Of the host of the fake news program [Applause] Got caught up like that dude from Vanderpump Rules Text message stuff I don't know what Vanderpump Rules is about I'm just

    Watching a couple of times my friends Told me it's like DMF but for white People Or is that secession No secession is power for white people No Tucker Carlson is power for white People No that's white power you know never Mind don't worry about that but no don't Worry about that We got to get Tucker back on the air Mr President because right now there's Millions of Americans that don't even Know why they hate you All right Look at that face that's creepy But wood wasn't done stirring the pot he Later addressed the liberal media's lack Of interest in holding Biden accountable For his mishandling of classified Documents humorously pointing out the Glaring double standard when compared to Their coverage of Trump's similar Scandal watch Over for me Um That was all a little simple this Obstruct is supposed to be in the White House that ain't And the media y'all did y'all's job Y'all jumped on that story as soon as The Trump document story broke everybody Was down tomorrow logo we were reporting Live from the documents and when I found

    Them And then we found out About you and it was like oh it's not a Big deal Everybody got documents everybody Oh look the Chinese spa balloon would You look at that The dinner took an ugly turn when wood Lied about critical race Theory and Proceeded to smear Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas he falsely claimed that Anti-crt policies were an attack on Black history an attempt to erase the Contributions of black people from History books following the dinner CNN's Live post-inner coverage feature GOP Strategist Scott Jennings who tore in The Biden for taunting the media and Sticking his rhetorical finger in their Eyes over his refusal to take questions On a regular basis watch Biden Um the line that will stick with me is In a lot of ways this dinner sums up my First two years in office I'll talk for 10 minutes take zero questions and Cheerfully walk away I I'm just gonna For the journalists in the room he Wasn't laughing with you he was laughing At you I mean the reality is I think He's mocking the press the guy does not Take questions that he's up there joking About it and I just and they're clapping And they're laughing about it and I

    I don't know I just I think he owes I'm A pro reporter and I think the president United States ought to have to talk to These reporters and not mock them The White House Correspondents Association dinner was a night filled With controversy drama and bold Statements that's shown a light on the Hypocrisy of the liberal media from President Biden openly mocking the media To Roy wood Jr's unfiltered Jabs at Biden Carlson and critical race Theory This year's dinner left viewers shocked And eager for more as the dust settles It's clear that the evening's events Will be remembered for exposing the Truth about the media's bias the liberal Elites hypocrisy and the Deep divide Between liberals and conservatives in America Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Yeah Thank you for watching that report There's a war and a recession cracks Will appear soon and guess who's going To be hit the hardest that's right you The situation will only get worse so you Must protect yourself and your family And you can get help from Noble gold Investments you can't afford to lose Your savings and investment because of Wars tariffs and sanctions gold and

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