Joe Biden’s New FAIL, Fox News ratings PLUMMET, & Deep Space !

    Joe Biden’s New FAIL, Fox News ratings PLUMMET, & Deep Space !

    Did you see that um Did you see that Joe Biden Uh couldn't uh couldn't remember where He was uh just a couple of weeks ago or A week ago Can you remember where you were two Weeks ago well if I were I mean Ireland Maybe You know uh could you please play Cut 17 For me it's a long time ago it's a long It's a whole week yeah still it's too Much the last country I've traveled I'm Drinking once for the last one I was in I I've been to 89 I met with 89 heads of State so far yeah so I'm trying to think What was the last where was the last Place I was it's hard to keep track Listen Um I mean yeah you're right Ireland okay That sure was like a three-year-old Remembered Ireland a three-year-old And then he gets all creepy that's right The little girl how do you know that I was watching you through your windows At night creepy old man I mean it's it's Weird Really weird really weird again if if it Was Six months ago if it I mean maybe it was Last week last week last week I can't remember the last time it's like Me saying I can't remember the last time I went party

    I don't know probably a couple hours ago Jeez and where when did I go party last Ah well you just did in your pants did You see the comment from uh Jen saki on There's an article I think it was an Axios about Biden's age and they were Talking about you know how some people Have noticed that he's 43 000 years old And they Jen sake who is his press Secretary they highlighted comments About uh that she had about what was it It was I think the banking crisis like You know this was a big announcement From from Joe Biden because he did it at 9 15. and you're like wait 9 15 a.m like that's notable and then She said something like I I should get The exact quote but it was something Like yeah he never does anything before Nine This is the person who's on his side now An MSNBC host but his former press Secretary said but they often say he's Done with the business of the day by 9 30. yeah he had a he had a 903 lid the Other day and he doesn't do anything Before nine that only gives him three Minutes but three minutes is an awful Lot of time if you're the president I Think it's too much time for him I think He should do less because when he works Things get worse you know you you may be Absolutely right on that but Listen he has experience because he's so

    Old he has experience if the dinosaurs Ever come back He'll remember maybe how they were Fought And maybe he'll save us like so a Jurassic Park situation plays out and They are making woolly mammoths they're Making woolly mammoth their remake can Someone please watch a movie from time To time We're doing all the things every day That we've all seen in huge movies Right oh well we'd never do that we're Doing it we're doing all these Especially the AI stuff we're just like Screw it you know what what are the odds What are the odds let's just try all These things and see what happens what Are the odds we make one minor mistake Guys very low right let's take some of That woolly mammoth D.A mix it with some Frog DNA put it in an elephant see what Happens and let's try on top of that Let's try some gain of function research Should see what I see let's give that a Whirl you know what it didn't work out In China we should do it in Wisconsin Whoops yeah did you hear about that oh They're trying to do it in Wisconsin now Wisconsin oh gosh But they said and they never never Reported it and they were like well Nobody got sick You should report that right away or

    Like uh all right Bill uh I guess if Weeping open bloody sores open up give Me a call we'll let everybody know What are we doing that's incredible that They like we keep talking about this as If it's the some past phenomenon like Hey they did that in you know in China's Still happening there's been nothing That's that's stopped it Yeah the only thing that's happened is We're focusing on it more so maybe There's a lesser chance that we directly Fund it outside no no no no no no no Directly no I think the word directly is Key Right you weren't directly funding it Last time right I just think there's Less of a chance that we would do it now I think you'd stay at the indirect route Okay good all right well I feel Excellent tastes better yeah I feel much Much better Um I don't know if anybody saw this it's In our show prep uh today if you get our Show prep at you'll get All of the news that you need to know And I I'm kind of bypassing a lot of the News because it's Friday all right You know the world's on fire why do I Have to tell you honestly if you're not Prepared at this point What use what use is me saying hey by The way have you seen the dollar crashed Even more no there's no real reason for

    That just enjoy your way into Insanity For those who are prepared let me tell You what they found uh with deep space Fat now listen to this Foreign Before I read this sentence Can we just stop writing things In the news And pretending that Everyone knows You know how like you know how like when When they were like uh uh Uh I can't think of any of the terms but All those terms those woke terms that Came out were like what the hell is that Word and everybody was writing it in Their news articles and you're like I Don't even know what that means yeah Okay when they introduce new language Like that that's often the way it plays Out correct and things like uh oh we're Uh we're you know we're teaching in Third grade now that your little girl Can be a boy and we're telling them that And we're showing them what to do with All kinds of vegetables in their private Parts and you're like wait you mean Gender affirm and Care yes right I'm Sorry sorry yes and you're like wait am I the only one that didn't know this no No one knows it except the experts and They all pretend like all this been Going on for a long time so let me read This sentence

    Thousands of deep space radio signals Have made their way to Earth 50 of them are repeating sources Wait hold it what Isn't that one of those things that We're looking for you know the little Space anomalies like help you're like oh It's Probably not so I think I heard help but Listen again anybody else calling for Help Nope okay so that was just that was a Weird thing that sounded like somebody Was crying for help okay we got that all The time Repeating help did you just hear Somebody call help Help yeah I heard it again Help Okay When it repeats that's something we Should probably know about it recently Detected were 25 new repeating sources Known technically as fast radio bursts From the depths of the universe the Project uses high power radio telescope In British Columbia to all this is a Canadian study Oh forget it never mind Um all right And the Tucker Carl's wow you just took The entire country he just blew off There well have you seen what's going on In Canada they did elect Trudeau yeah so

    I'm not I'm not really I'm not really sure if we Can take that let me tell you about Tucker Carlson's Um uh video have you seen This morning he really said what Yesterday or the night before last 72 million views 72 Million views I think that's a little higher than the Ratings he had at Fox 72 million now that should give you a Great hope Because that's not just the Conservatives spreading that one around Uh that tells you an awful lot when you Couple 72 million views With what were the ratings Uh night before last Thursday I don't Have the numbers in front of me but they Had dropped to the lowest level Since 9 11. part I'm sorry what no You mean this last September 11th No No 9 11 2001. wow yeah we're going back to Almost the 90s they have not had ratings That low yeah since before 9 11. yes Glenn this this will hit maybe not many People in the audience but will hit you The ratings on Fox News channel in the 8 Pm time slot aha we're lower lower than Our ratings at CNN Headline News Now bear with and only people that

    Watched that were people who were Trapped in an airport they were trapped They're like I I guess I watched his Show it didn't have the sound on so I Really enjoyed it yeah that oh my gosh Jaw dropping what was the number I was In the 130s I think in the demo which is Again what they actually care about in a Country of 350 million people 120 130 000 let's just be fair 140 000 people between the ages of 25 and 54 Were watching Fox News That's not good yeah and I don't know Who hosts it I know the first night was Brian Kilmeade this is not Brian Kiln Anti-brian sentiment they like it I feel Really important Brian when they called Him up on on Friday morning he said hey You're gonna you know gonna fill in for Uh Tucker Carlson tonight he must have Went oh good God no not me Why am I the one are you just testing Out the guillotine that's all you're Doing no problems it's an impossible Spot for Brian not his fault bad for him But it is an amazing thing here people Are telling Fox News hey we this is not Okay