Biden Authorizes Military Intervention At U.S-Mexico Border

    Biden Authorizes Military Intervention At U.S-Mexico Border

    U.S border security is facing an Alarming threat from a record-breaking Surge in drug trafficking fueled by Mexican drug cartels and Chinese Criminal organizations President Joe Biden's authorization of Deploying active duty And Reserve soldiers to the U.S Mexico Border amid the drug trafficking crisis Has drawn attention to the severity of The problem I'm rich crankshaw stay ahead of the Latest news tap subscribe below And enable your notifications Before I get to that report jump start Your New Year resolution with this Amazing keto powder you can benefit from Many of the weight management benefits Of ketosis without having to restrict Carbs or experience the infamous keto Flu if you want to experience the same Amazing effects that I did I use it Every day in my protein shakes I want You to try it too go to keto with to get your bag for 51 off plus Receive several free bonuses before the Sale ends and look your best this year By clicking on more below the video now Back to the news President Joe Biden has authorized Defense Department officials to deploy Active duty and Reserve soldiers to the U.S Mexico border as the drug Trafficking crisis continues to

    Overwhelm American communities this move Has been prompted by growing concern Among lawmakers who estimate that up to 6 million illegal immigrants have Crossed the southern border since Biden Took over just two years ago President Joe Biden has authorized defense Department officials to deploy active Duty and Reserve soldiers to the U.S Mexico border amid an international drug Trafficking crisis Overwhelming the southern border and American communities the drug cartels Have smuggled deadly narcotics into the U.S leading to over 107 000 American deaths last year alone with Fentanyl being the biggest threat in Response to the drug trafficking crisis The measures taken serve to tighten Border security and crack down on drug Trafficking networks and illegal Immigration to ensure the safety and Security of American communities During a budget hearing on Thursday the Head of the DEA Ann Milgram warned Republican members of a House Appropriations Committee panel that Mexican drug cartels have smuggled Deadly narcotics into the U.S leading to Over a hundred and seven thousand American deaths last year alone Milgren identified two major cartels in Mexico Sinaloa and the Jalisco New Generation

    As the greatest drug threat that America Has uh ever faced she emphasized that These organizations rely on a global Supply chain to manufacture and Distribute Fentanyl and use a global Illicit Financial Network to pocket Billions of dollars watch Americans today are experiencing the Most devastating drug crisis in our Nation's history It is like nothing we have ever seen Before This is because one drug fentanyl has Transformed the criminal landscape Fentanyl is cheap to make easy to Disguise and deadly to those who take it Just two milligrams the equivalent of a Few grains of salt can kill a person It is now the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 and 45. More than cancer more than covid more Than terrorism more than heart disease And it is killing Americans from all Walks of life and in every state and Every Community across this country Nearly 200 Americans per day The drug cartels responsible for Bringing fentanyl into this country are Ruthless and extremely violent criminal Enterprises they rely on a global supply Chain to manufacture and traffic Fentanyl and they rely on a global Illicit Finance Network Pocket billions of dollars from those

    Drug sales At DEA we have undertaken a Transformation to meet this moment You know it's a good move you can't Condemn the move you just wish it had Been done a long time ago or at least They had done something to where they Didn't have to do this You know I mean so many families have Been affected because of this mine Included and let me tell you it's not It's not comfortable seeing this Administration handle this just so now She you know like so like nothing's Wrong down there Milgram's testimony highlights the grave Situation that the United States is Currently facing and the dangers that Drug trafficking and cartels pose to American communities The drug the drug academic Thank you the drug epidemic has Unfortunately become a prevalent problem Across the Nation with more and more People being affected by it each year The increase in deaths related to Overdoses and drug related illnesses has Led to an urgent need for Action in Response to the drug crisis and the Threat posed by the cartels President Joe Biden has authorized defense Department officials to deploy troops to The Border this move represents a Significant step in cracking down on

    Drug trafficking and illegal immigration From Mexico By sending troops to the border the Federal government is looking to secure The area and prevent the cartels from Smuggling drugs and other illegal Substances into the country Recent data shows that China and Mexico Are the primary sources along with India For Fentanyl and Fentanyl related Substances trafficked directly into the United States however instead of taking Responsibility Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez obrador blamed a lack of Love in American families for the Fentanyl for the deadly fentanyl crisis Ravaging the U.S Furthermore the state's department has Identified China as a Global Hub of Money laundering activities estimating That 154 billion dollars in illicit Funds passed through China annually Chairwoman Lisa McLean republican from Michigan asserted that drug cartels and Chinese money laundering organizations Have Partners together resulting in a System using various Chinese banking Apps including popular Chinese encrypted Communications technology like WeChat Drug trafficking organizations depend on These Partnerships and agreements to Launder money generated from the illegal Drug trade watch Incredible efficiency they do it at a

    Fraction of the costs that the cartels Were previously forced to pay along Altogether the efficiency and cost Effectiveness of the Chinese mundering Long during organization has Significantly increased the cartel's Bottom line and allowed their illicit Business to grow and expand and it's Kind of like that common common phrase Follow the money right as a result more And more Americans are losing their Lives to synthetic opioid addiction and Fentanyl poisoning and Chinese money Laundering organizations have nearly Foolproof system in place that doesn't Require placing illicit funds into the United States banking system and I think That's a really key point for us to Understand using Chinese banking apps And other popular Chinese encrypted Communication Technologies like WeChat Chinese money laundering organizations Are able to Long launder cartel drug Money all while evading detection by U.S Law enforcement it is no secret that China's become a Global Hub of money Laundering activity the state department Estimated that 154 billion in illicit funds pass Through China each and every year It's a real thing man With the title 42 covid restrictions Ending on May 11th the Biden Administration anticipates another

    Record surge in the number of migrants Estimated to spike to between 10 000 and 13 000 per day next month As such DHS secretary mayorkas has Announced the establishment of regional Processing centers for immigrants Seeking entry to reduce the number of Arrivals after the restrictions end Watch all right thank you Andrea and the Biden Administration is trying to Prevent a surge at the southern border Before pandemic era immigration Restrictions and next month the U.S is Opening migration centers in Guatemala And Colombia additional locations will Be announced in the coming weeks Migrants will be able to apply for Asylum at the centers as the U.S Processes their request immigration Officials are concerned the Border could Be overwhelmed by thousands of people When title 42 ends May 11th It's not going to stop Stem all they're going to do is fly them In instead of letting them take the Treacherous Journey which is good at Least you're gonna you know uh Save some lives and some some trauma But it's not going to stop they're Basically going down there to pick them Up That's the way it looks to me right Biden's decision to authorize military Deployment comes amid Rising concerns

    About the drug trafficking crisis and Border security by deploying troops to The border the administration hopes to Control the increase in drug related Deaths and provide a safer environment For Americans Drug cartels and criminal organizations Will continue to pose a threat to American Security and stability for Years to come However by taking proactive measures Tightening border security and cracking Down on drug trafficking networks and Illegal immigration the US government Can minimize the damage caused by these Criminal organizations and let's face it If we could stop it if we wanted to Biden's authorization of deploying Soldiers to the southern border as a Step in the right direction for Addressing the grave situation at the U.S Mexico border to ensure the safety And security of American communities It's imperative to prioritize cracking Down on drug traffic networks and Illegal immigration The ongoing collaboration between Mexico Mexican drug cartels and Chinese Criminal organizations indicates that American borders are under threat from Global criminal networks and we're not Doing anything about it we're just Letting them in Let us know what you think in the

    Comments below for the next News Network I'm rich crankshaw we'll see you at the Next report Thanks for watching that report in the Latest survey of Americans nearly half Of them also selected eating healthier Exercising more or losing weight as Their primary goal in the near future in Spite of the fact that 9 out of 10 People who make resolutions are Confident they'll stick to them nearly 80 percent of them are likely to fail to Accomplish them in order to jump start Your New Year resolutions I recommend Starting with this amazing keto powder As one of the easiest ways to help you Achieve your goals regardless of where You are on your health Journey you can Reap the benefits of being in ketosis For weight loss no matter where you are The time is right for you to go to keto With to get your bag that's Keto with simply click more to Find the link below to get yours in Addition to saving 51 percent you'll Also receive several bonuses to help you Take control of your health in the new Year so make sure you take advantage of Them if you don't like it you can get Your money back within 60 days of trying It it'll be worth your time to click the Link and and you will thank me later for It we'll see you at the next report for The next News Network I'm Gary franchi

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