WATCH: KJP Short Circuits when Confronted on House GOP’s Debt Limit Bill

    WATCH: KJP Short Circuits when Confronted on House GOP’s Debt Limit Bill

    The White House Press Secretary Kareem Jean-pierrez sparked outrage among Republicans after she blamed House Republicans for failing to raise the Debt limit to avoid default I'm Gary Franchi and I want you to keep up with The latest news and tap subscribe below Enable notifications and never miss a Breaking story Before I get to that a recession and a War are underway do you know who will be Hit hardest when cracks start to show You you need to protect yourself and Your family because things will get Worse Noble gold Investments is here to Help savings and Investments that you've Built are too important to lose a Precious metals Ira from Noble gold Investment protects your wealth and with Every fifty thousand dollar or more Qualifying Ira they're giving away a Beautiful one-quarter ounce gold Eagle Bullion coin stop worrying and visit that's Noble gold Investments can't be beat get Their investment guide if you're not Ready to invest in the description box Below you'll find the link click more For mobile users now back to the news In a press briefing on Thursday Jean-Pierre made it clear that the Administration would not negotiate on The issue and called on Republicans to Take action watch

    So a couple things I want to say about This let's take let's just take a step Back for a second the United States had Never has never In our history fail to pay our debt that Is something that we have never done Ever again in our history of this Country We're not a deadbeat Nation avoiding Default is congress's responsibility and They should act in on it without Preconditioned as they have done in Democratic and Republican Administrations and they should do that Immediately House Republicans are Holding our economy hostage and Threatening default Crashing the economy jeopardizing Hard-working Americans retirement and Causing millions of Americans to lose Their jobs Well House Republicans passed a bill on Wednesday to raise the debt limit to Avoid default however just one day later Jean-Pierre slammed House Republicans For not avoiding default and failing to Do their constitutional Duty she turned A blind eye to the bill passed by Republicans which is aimed to prevent Default when questioned by reporter she Remained firm in her stance insisting That Republicans needed to deal with What was at stake and make sure that the Country didn't default she also made it

    Clear that President Joe Biden would not Meet with house Speaker Kevin McCarthy To discuss the speaker's Bill to raise The debt limit watch As the president said yesterday he's Happy to meet with speaker McCarthy but Not on whether or not the debt limit Gets extended that is not negotiable and We have been very clear about this for The past several months we have not Mince words here House Republicans are holding the Economy hostage threatening Americans Jobs and retirement savings unless we And the Senate agree on an extreme Maga Wish list of slashing education veterans Health care and Meals on Wheels taking Away health care for millions of Americans and sending manufacturing jobs Overseas It's increase it'll increase costs of Working Families as I've talked about Before from here at this Podium and what This bill will do it'll kill jobs and It's all to pay for tax cuts for the Super rich and profitable companies it's Not how we grow our economy the President has been very clear how he Sees our economy moving forward he has Actually put forth pieces of legislation And policy on how he sees this in the Economy moving forward and it's not Trickle-down economics it is building The economy from the bottom up middle

    Out and making sure we leave no Americans behind we leave no one behind And what we're seeing from what Republicans have put forward it will Leave people behind it will hurt Americans including veterans including Our seniors just Americans across the Board So again we took a step back we are not Negotiating on this uh we have been very Clear it is their constitutional duty to Take action and they did this move by The White House is sure to spark Fury Among Republicans who may accuse Jean-Pierre playing politics with the Debt limit many Republicans have already Argued that it is the responsibility of The administration to work with Congress To raise the debt limit and avoid Default Despite the growing tension between the White House and Republicans there are Some who believe that a compromise can Still be reached some lawmakers are Pushing for a bipartisan agreement on The debt limit which would involve both Democrats and Republicans working Together to find a solution Either way the White House Press Secretary's comments have set the stage For a major showdown between the Administration and House Republicans Over the debt limit with tensions Running High it remains to be seen

    Whether a compromise can be reached Before the country faces a catastrophic Default Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report There's a war and a recession cracks Will appear soon and guess who's going To be hit the hardest that's right you The situation will only get worse so you Must protect yourself and your family And you can get help from Noble gold Investments you can't afford to lose Your savings and investment because of Wars tariffs and sanctions gold and Silver from Noble gold Investments are Real Treasures during Times Like These The feeling of being outside the system When things go wrong is a great one Every qualifying Ira of 50 000 or more Will get a beautiful one-quarter ounce Beautiful Gold Eagle bullion coin Noble Gold Investments has thousands of five Star reviews so you can't go wrong and In the description box below you'll find The link tap more if you're using a Mobile device we'll see you at the next Report for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Possess the power to impact the global Narrative please share this report and To get more videos like this become a Next News subscriber by clicking the

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