Is Age Just a Number? Biden Defends His Reelection Bid

    Is Age Just a Number? Biden Defends His Reelection Bid

    In a recent press conference President Joe Biden defended himself against Accusations that he's too old to run for Re-election following a shocking poll That revealed a majority of Americans And even some Democrats share these Concerns despite facing criticism from Young Americans Biden is standing his Ground and maintaining that his age Won't affect his ability to lead the Country for another term I'm Gary Franchi only to keep up with the latest News tap subscribe and enable your Notifications President Joe Biden addressed concerns About his age at a press conference on Wednesday following a bilateral meeting With South Korean president with recent Polls showing that Americans are Concerned about his age and don't want Him to seek re-election Biden faced Tough questions from reporters Young Americans approval of Biden continues His spiral downward that's according to A new poll released by The Harvard Institute of politics in this highly Detailed news report we'll take an In-depth look at Biden's declining Approval ratings and the controversies Surrounding his possible bid for a Second term Now Biden's approval ratings among Americans age 18 to 29 plummeted to just 36 percent according to a new poll

    Released by The Harvard Institute of Politics this represents a three-point Drop from the fall of 2022 survey and a Five-point drop from Spring of 2022. The majority of respondents also Disapprove of Biden's handling of the Economy inflation race relations and Politics related to the war in Ukraine And response to gun violence however a Second term for the incumbent is growing Increasingly unpopular among the Democrat base as nearly half of the Party's voters see Biden as too old for Office according to a Yahoo Ugo poll With this poll numbers and his decline His base is divided over the possibility Of his re-election bid many are Wondering if Biden really has what it Takes to lead the country for another Term during Wednesday's press conference ABC's Mary Bruce asked Biden tough Questions about his decision to seek Re-election given his underwater polling Numbers and questions about his health In response Biden defended his decision To run arguing that anybody running for A re-election at this time is in the Same position he also pointed out that Polling data on his job performance gets Overwhelmingly positive results watch The next question is Mary Bruce ABC Thank you Mr President you recently Launched your re-election campaign You've said questions about your age are

    Legitimate and your response is always Just watch me but the country is Watching and recent polling shows that 70 percent of Americans including a Majority of Democrats believe you Shouldn't run again What do you say to them what do you say To those Americans who are watching and Aren't convinced you've said you can Beat Trump again do you think you're the Only one I may not be the only one I want uh I know him well and I know the Danger he presents to our democracy and We've been down this road before and With regard to uh to age you know and And pulling death I noticed the pulling That I keep hearing about is that I'm Between uh 42 and 46 favorable rating Etc and uh But everybody running for reelection in This time has been in the same position There's nothing new about that you're Making it sound like Biden's really Underwater And number one number two when the same Polling data asks whether they think What kind of job I've done it gets Overwhelmingly positive results from 58 Thinking everything from the chips act And all the things we've done you know We've created like I said we've created 12 million new jobs we created 800 000 Manufacturing jobs we have economic

    Growth moving we're in a situation where The climate invested more money and more Help in dealing with the climate crisis In any nation in the world and so things Things are moving and the reason I'm Running again is there's a job to finish The other thing is that binds approval Rating was slightly higher among Registered young voters at 38 percent And is highest among Democrat voters However the fact that the majority of Young Americans disapprove of his Performance is a concerning trend for Biden and his team the negative results From the Harvard and Yahoo yougov polls Are a clear indication that young voters Are looking for new leadership in the Democrat Party many Democrats are Divided over Biden's run for a second Term while some argue that his Experience and stability are important In a time of national crisis others are Calling for new and younger leadership Within the party with the midterm Elections fast approaching the Democrat Base is looking for a candidate who can Energize and unite voters the Controversy surrounding Biden's age and Ability to lead also raises important Questions about how the president agency Should be structured many are calling For changes to the office such as term Limits age restrictions or other Measures to ensure that the president

    Remains healthy and capable throughout Their time in office watch Are there any Democrats that you talk to Outside of the administration who are Honestly excited about a Biden Harris 2024 ticket Well I mean No but uh but but they're they're very Excited about Donald Trump not winning Another term uh in the White House and Uh that may be good enough for the Democratic party at this point for sure Look it's always compared to the Alternative don't compare me to God Compare me to the alternative link in Comparison Joe Biden was 78 years old in 61 days at his inauguration Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated 77 years in 261 Days before Joe Biden's birth that means Joe Biden was born closer to Lincoln's Second inauguration uh than to his own By far the oldest president we would Have if he completed his second term As Biden announced his re-election bid It remains to be seen how he will Address these concerns and win back the Support of Young Americans with the Political landscape rapidly changing in The 2024 election promising to be one of The most pivotal in recent history as Joe Biden faces accusations of being too Old for office and is declining mental Capacity becoming more apparent there Are growing concerns he may not be fit

    To lead the country for another term the Controversy surrounding his candidacy Highlights important questions about the Future of the Democrat Party and the Presidency many are calling for changes To the office such as term limits or age Restrictions to ensure that presidents Remain healthy and capable throughout Their time in office as conservative Americans we hold we continue to hold Our leaders accountable and demand new Leadership that puts America first as The 2024 election draws closer it Remains to be seen how Biden will Address these concerns and whether the Democrat Party will choose to stand Behind him or seek out new leadership That can unite the nation let's continue The conversation in the comments below For the next News Network I'm Gary Franchi Thank you for watching that report if You started to notice that wrinkles Fine Lines bags under your eyes or other Typical signs of aging are appearing More and more frequently in her face Well it may not be the result of the Stress of the New Year the presence of Wrinkles and other signs of aging are Some of the most reliable indicators That your collagen levels are low by Using this multi-collagen powder which I Love to use you'll be able to experience The healthy aging effects of collagen

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